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Posts posted by DocSilly

  1. Works fine, the new 3d-engine is sweet. My tbird@1.6 and GF3 Ti200@Ti500 plays it smooth at 1024@32bit, no fsaa with full eyecandy.

    There's a benchmark.exe in the ut2003 systemfolder, I get 108fps for flyby and 42 fps for botmatch.

  2. I got some mixed results ...


    Installation went smooth, it even rebooted fine after SP3 wink

    All good so far?

    No !

    I get a BSOD with "Ntfs.sys" when I try to copy larger files or even when I try to search my HDDs. I don't have this problem in safemode ;(

    Then I tried to swap the ntfs.sys for an older versio from SP2 but the same thing is happening. I even applied the SP3 in safemode.

    Oh well, my system runs as long as I don't search via explorer or copy larger files, d'oh ... now I'm waiting for the official release of SP3, hoping it fixes this.

    No, I didn't select the "backup old systemfiles" option cause I was also busy on my Gentoo Linux notebook at that time frown

  3. I found a nice howto on:




    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">STEPS FOR ELIMINATING BANNER BOXES ON ICQ


    Make sure ICQ is not Running.


    1- Download Reshack from



    2- Look for Auto Update in your registry


    And set the value to "No"


    3- Delete the following files from your ICQ folder

    icqateima32.dll (removes advertisement downloading)

    icqateimg32.dll (removes the loading of images)

    icqateres.dll (removes part of the advertisement function)


    4- Open ICQCore.dll in Reshack.


    4a Go through each of the Dialogs till you see one with

    a banner box.


    4b Click the banner box and it will highlight the control

    for that box.


    4c Change the last 2 numbers in that control to 0, 0 Example;

    CONTROL "", 1070, "{9F9012BA-E55B-11D3-ADE7-0090270D8F00}",

    0x50000000, 1, 158, 260, 38


    CONTROL "", 1070, "{9F9012BA-E55B-11D3-ADE7-0090270D8F00}",

    0x50000000, 1, 158, 0, 0


    4d Change the main dialog box size coordinates (at the top of the

    script) to

    Ad box y coordinate +1. Example: for above control you take the 158

    then change the main dialog box y coordinate to 158+1 (159) So;

    2503 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 262, 196


    2503 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 262, 159


    NOTE The last four digits are position/size coordinates - first set

    is x,y position, the second set is x,y size.


    4e Compile the script


    4f Repete for all dialogs with banner ads then save the file (Have a

    backup of ICQCore.dll

    just in case something goes wrong)</font>

  4. I've been using Mozilla since the early teen-milestones and it's getting better all the time.

    Is it the IE killer ? Not really, but it's my favourite browser on my Linux Laptop and shares the duty with IE on my PC.

    Don't try the Netscape 6.x, based on the older Mozilla 0.6 so it's older/slower and they added their AOHell crap ... 'nuff said, I'm posting this from Mozilla 0.8 wink

  5. Just go to TOOLS / ACCOUNTS / MAIL / ADD / MAIL... and add a new email account. One has to be default. Outlook 2k will automatically checkk all email acounts but only send through your default ... well, it'll send through different account when you reply from your non-default (or select when writing new message).

  6. Win2000 won't let you change the drive letter for the system partition AFAIK.

    You could do it under Win NT4 but you had to enter the registry after the change and manually edit a gazillion paths in the registry, from E: to C: ...


    No idea why it puts your system partition on E: ... maybe somehow because Linux is alredy installed (how many Linux partitions)?

  7. IDE drives (5400 and 7200) have normally a 3 year warranty.


    SCSI drives (10K and 15K) come with a 5 year warranty and are mainly targeted at servers.


    This alone should point to a better reliability for those 10K and (only one) 15K drives and they're built for 24/7 usage.


    I doubt I would still use the 4 year old IDE HDD that was in my old PC, 1.2GB, hahaha (I thought it was plenty 4 years ago). I had a few gig IDE Quantum Bigfoot die on me after less then 2 years.


    My Cheetah 9LP (10K SCSI) is still running fine, and so is my 7200 IBM SCSI drive and my system runs 24/7 and I hope my new Cheetah X15 will last me for a many years.


    SCSI delivers better speed and reliability but also cost a lot more.

    IDE drives have comparable sustained transfer rates (but slower access times) and work just fine for most people. You'll also get a lot more storagespace for the same price.

  8. Speeddisk, never had a problem with it.


    Other might point to corrupted drives under NT4 a long time ago ... but I've never been able to pinpoint if they used standalone or limited version in NT Norton Utilities (SD 2001 standalone is included in Norton Sysytem Works 2001).

  9. hmm, I'm using Mozilla 0.6 and it shows the bulbs correctly but does not display the folders ... it's a black bar where the colored folders would be.

    IE 5.5 and NS 4.76 display the folders ...

  10. The IDE HDD will be sufficent for almost anything.

    CPU utilization is not a problem anymore since the introduction of UDMA.

    Sustained transfer rates are almost equal between IDE and SCSI, they're in the 40MB/s area while the fastest SCSI drives have a small advantage of a few MB/s over the fastest IDE drives.


    Access times are a different issue, here is a section where SCSI shows it's potential, this is interesting for multitasking.


    I think the IBM 75GXP drives are the most favourite for IDE right now, ATA100 and up to 75GB capacity.


    IF you want to go SCSI, definetly get a new controller. Your current controller maxes out at only 20MB/s 8)

    That's fine for CD/DVD/SCanenr/Tapedrives but not for HDD's.


    Get a controller like the Tekram DC390-U2W, I've seen it for $90 plus shipping. It's one generation before U160 but already has LVD support (here 80MB/s) and it'll be enough for a single SCSI HDD, even for 2 to 3 HDD's. The Tekram card comes with all the cables: a 68-pin LVD with terminator, a 68-pin UW and a 50-pin Ultra.

    The U160 controllers start around $200 shipped...


    Get a nice 10.000rpm SCSI hdd to enjoy the full potential, something like the Seagate Cheetah 18XL (Seagate also makes a 15k rpm HDD, the Cheetah X15, but it's pretty expensive).



    I think the IDE route might be the most cost efficent way for you to go. You get decent speed and huge capacity for your money.


    The SCSI route is for professional use (server) or the gamefreaks that have too much money to burn (like me, hehe).


    The best way to get the advantages of both worlds is a small but fast SCSI HDD for OS/games and a huge IDE HDD for storage/apps/backups etc.

    Not as expensive as a SCSI-only setup but still more money then IDE-only.

  11. Pod

    I remember that game ... well, not really the Windos version but the one that I played on my friends Commodore C16 many many years ago (14 or so) ... when floppy was unheard of in homecomputers and all games were loaded from tapedrives ... sorry, no idea about your current problems with that new version.

  12. So, when you open the play control (the little speaker in the taskbar) and go to OPTIONS and enable Advanced Controls ... you don't get the bass/treble control when you click on the Advanced button ?


    [This message has been edited by DocSilly (edited 19 November 2000).]

  13. Hmmm, most of the horror stories are from older SpeedDisk versions and NT4 ...


    I'm not 100% sure but I think the SpeedDisk included with the old NortonUtilities for NT was different from the standalone SpeedDisk. Maybe some stories come from the more limited version ?!


    I haven't had a problem using the SpeedDisk included in the SystemWorks2001, it is the same as the standalone version.

  14. Yes, WMP 7 is evil ... I guess you did a custominstall without CD-burner plugin for WMP7 ?

    Cause it broke my system beyond repair when I had EZCD 3.5c (which works like a charm under Win2000) installed and upgraded default way to WMP 7.


    Do you have the latest ASPI from adaptec installed ?

    - 4.60 (1021) is the latest version and can be obtained here: http://www.adaptec.com/support/faqs/aspilayer.html


    I dislike WMP 7, piece of bloatware AND it forced me to reinstall ... I'm happy with WMP 6.4 and EZCD 3.5c
