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Everything posted by Philipp

  1. Philipp


    http://www.bastille-linux.org is a general hardening system for Linux
  2. Philipp

    Total newb questions

    You need to boot from the first CD or from bootdisks You find the bootdisks images in the /images directory of the first Fedora CD. Programs to write the images to disk are in the /dosutils or /dosutil/rawritewin (for windows) directory
  3. Philipp

    Total newb questions

    The Fedora CDs boot directly from the CD. Did you burn the right ones (without SRPMS) ?
  4. Philipp

    Is Fedora viable?

    An alternative for mission critical servers is also Debian GNU/Linux 3.0
  5. Philipp

    What's the difference?

    Here is a comparison between Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux: http://fedora.redhat.com/about/rhel.html
  6. Philipp

    Enough with the pop-ups already...

    The main problem is that many advertisers are not interested to show their ads on forums. That's also the reason why there are now two different ad codes.
  7. Philipp

    Enough with the pop-ups already...

    Sorry guys. The forums runs a different ad code. I didn't noticed that all popups are still activated. They are disabled for now.
  8. Philipp

    Debian Linux

    Quote: How do i make the upgrade from woody to SID? (i have both CD's) Add the following sources to your /etc/apt/sources.list: Code: # Debian SIDdeb http://http.us.debian.org/debian unstable main contrib non-freedeb http://http.at.debian.org/debian-non-US unstable/non-US main contrib non-free Then run apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade
  9. Philipp

    Desktop Mandrake 9.1

    Run startx and change the settings back
  10. Philipp

    Debian Linux

    Quote: Is it good for a workstation? Yes, if you run the unstable branch (sid) of Debian or stable (woody) with backports I would suggest that you download the Debian based Libranet 2.7 Classic Edition, because of the easier installer. Libranet is fully compatible with Debian. You can even upgrade to Debian unstable from Libranet Classic.
  11. Philipp

    red hat enterprise server

    The last Red Hat Enterprise Linux beta is still available here: http://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/beta/taroon/en/iso/i386/
  12. Philipp

    New server - next week

    linuxcompatible.org will move next week to a new server Here the specifications of the new machine: Intel Dual Xeon 2GHz with hyperthreading 1GB ECC Ram LSI Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI Controller 2x Seagate SCSI harddisks (73GB each) Intel e1000 Gigabit NIC If you use a custom host file, please remove linuxcompatible.org as soon as possible. Thanks, Philipp
  13. Philipp

    Debian and Toshiba Sallelite S105

    XFree 4.3.0 is available in experimental (an extension to SID). You need to add the following sources to /etc/apt/sources.list: Code: deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian unstable main contrib non-freedeb http://http.us.debian.org/debian-non-US unstable/non-US main contrib non-freedeb http://http.us.debian.org/debian ../project/experimental main contrib non-free Then run apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade or you install the XFree 4.3.0 backport for Woody (if you run stable): Code: deb http://people.debian.org/~mmagallo/packages/xfree86/i386 ./ Another alternative is to install Knoppix (based on Debian SID/experimental): http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/index-old-en.html
  14. Philipp

    Gnome 2.4 on Debian unstable

    Maybe they discontinued the Debian port? However, the download is still available here: http://www-files.ximian.com/red-carpet/debian-woody-i386/
  15. Philipp

    Gnome 2.4 on Debian unstable

    ctw: 1) Please post your /etc/apt/sources.list 2) Try apt-get -f install Admiral LSD: Red Carpet is also available for Debian
  16. Philipp

    Anybody else having connection issues

    Seems like a DNS issue. Perhaps ntcompatible.com is in your hosts file? was the IP address of the old server. The new server is running at
  17. Philipp

    Anyone had luck with KDE 3.1.4 and RH9?

    There are KDE 3.1.4 RPMs for Red Hat 9 available: http://download.kde.org/download.php?url=stable/3.1.4/RedHat/9/i386/
  18. Philipp

    URL tags not working right

  19. Philipp

    New Posts not showing

    This is a known issue when visiting both forums (NT Compatible and Linux Compatible). I looking right now for a replacement.
  20. Philipp

    Debian or gentoo?

    Quote: does knoppix have that get_apt command? Yes, every Debian based Linux comes with apt
  21. Philipp

    New server - next week

    Quote: Also, why have the links been filtered out of my sig, I'm not using HTML (which is disabled) and the code is still present when I view my profile? Great . It seems like that the latest security fix for phpBB break this . Will try to fix this later.
  22. Philipp

    New server - next week

    That's odd. What browser are you using? Has someone else problems with the login?
  23. Philipp

    Debian or gentoo?

    If you like to try Debian, I would suggest that you download Knoppix: http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/index-old-en.html Knoppix is an installable Linux LiveCD based on the unstable branch (SID) of Debian. To install Knoppix to your harddisk: 1) Boot the OS from CD 2) Open a shell window 3) Enter sudo /usr/local/bin/knx-hdinstall (return) and follow the instructions To upgrade Knoppix to the latest SID packages (e.g. OpenOffice 1.1RC, KDE 3.1.3 etc.): Replace /etc/apt/sources.list with Code: deb http://ftp.debian.org/pub/debian/ unstable main non-free contribdeb-src http://ftp.debian.org/pub/debian/ unstable main non-free contrib Then open a shell window and run: su - apt-get update apt-get upgrade
  24. Philipp

    New server - next week

    The current specs are: Compaq ProLiant 320 Pentium III 1GHz 512MB Ram 40MB IDE harddisk (Maxtor?) The server is hosted at www.rackshack.net