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Everything posted by Philipp

  1. Philipp

    Get It A Week Early My Butt

    Quote: Anyone actually get it? No, all downloads are slow There are two download alternatives: 1) Via BitTorrent: http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent/rh9.html 2) http://ftp.lug.udel.edu/pub/iso-images/Redhat/9.0/
  2. Philipp

    What versions of PHP,Perl,Apache Server for RH8 ?

    Red Hat 8.0 comes already with Apache 2.0.40 and PHP 4.2.2. You can install both with add/remove applications => webserver
  3. http://www.ntcompatible.com/compdet.php?id=7400 A rewrite of the compatibility DB script is already on my do list
  4. Philipp

    Decided On A Distribution - SuSe

    Yes, SuSE is a nice distro. The only downside is that you need to pay for each new release, except you prefer a FTP install
  5. Philipp

    Video Card problems

    I remember that the XFree http://www.nvidia.com/view.asp?IO=linux_display_ia32_1.0-4191 should fix this.
  6. Philipp

    Frank's Corner changes

    Done. Thanks
  7. Philipp

    Which is the best distro for a workstation

    Guys, please. Every distro has its pro and cons, there is no need to start a flamewar here . Please keep this place neutrally. Debian's QC is pretty good but not perfect. For example, the first release of Woody (R0) comes with broken Bastille Linux packages, which has successful bypassed Debian's quality control in the first place. "Stable" and latest packages: It is not always a good idea to upgrade to the latest greatest immediately, especially when your are running a server. For example, PHP 4.2.x seems to work fine, but had some serious memory leak issues. The much older PHP 4.0.6 release had never any problems. RPM based distros and upgrading: There is a port of apt-get for Red Hat and other RPM based distros. This port has exactly the same features like the original Debian release, even apt-get dist-upgrade is supported.
  8. Philipp

    RedHat 8.0 or wait for 8.1

    Quote: When is RH 8.1 due to come out anyway? Next month
  9. Philipp

    GeForce 4 Debian support

    No, to unstable. Drivers for SID: deb http://s.bouncybouncy.net/nvidia_debs unstable/ Drivers for Sarge: deb http://s.bouncybouncy.net/nvidia_debs testing/
  10. Philipp

    GeForce 4 Debian support

    Add the following in your /etc/apt/sources.list: deb http://s.bouncybouncy.net/nvidia_debs stable/ Then install the drivers: apt-get update apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel and reconfigure xfree: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 If the drivers are only working for root: chmod 0666 /dev/nvidia* chown root /dev/nvidia*
  11. Philipp

    Narrowing Down My Choice For Linux

    My experience so far: Red Hat 8.1 Beta 3 Runs stable, even with downgraded Kernel 2.4.18 from RH 8.0. The kernel downgrade was necessary because of the nVidia drivers ;( Mandrake Linux 9.1 RC2 This release has still some stability issues. If you like to try out a Debian based OS, check out Knoppix. Knoppix runs directly from the CD, but you can also install Knoppix on the harddisk.
  12. Philipp

    Any Linux Distributions DVD ISO

    Some Debian DVD images (testing/unstable) are available via jigdo: http://www.debian.org/CD/jigdo-cd/ There is also a guide about making your own RedHat 8.0 DVD: http://www.linuxcompatible.org/story14425.html This should work with RH 8.1 as well
  13. Philipp

    question of which kind of Linux to use

    Check out: http://www.mule-project.org/en/
  14. Philipp

    Possible Forum Changes

    Quote: PS - same applies to the main page, & can you also fix the "read more" links on the main page so that they open in a new window like they used to please. I working current on a larger update for the main page. Maybe after this update is complete.
  15. Philipp

    Possible Forum Changes

    Quote: Renamed .NET to 2003. Done
  16. Quote: Redhat "phoebe" build 8.1 with the new KDE! Just FYI: Lot things are broken in the first 8.1 beta release. You might want to check out the Phoebe beta mailing list at https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/phoebe-list Concerning Defrag. I found this on Red Hat's ext3-users mailing list: https://listman.redhat.com/pipermail/ext3-users/2002-May/003462.html
  17. Here some info on the ext3 file system: http://www.redhat.com/support/wpapers/redhat/ext3/ The latest version of Defrag seems also to work with ext3 partitions: http://packages.debian.org/stable/admin/defrag.html From the Debian changes mailing list: Quote: Changes: defrag (0.73pjm1-1.woody.0) stable; urgency=high * ext2.c: Gracefully fail on filesystems with journals (closes: #118635). This fixes a bug that causes filesystem corruption when defrag is run on ext3 filesystems. http://lists.debian.org/debian-changes/2002/debian-changes-200211/msg00016.html Unfortunately, the latest RPM for Red Hat is dated Sep 1 1998: http://rpmfind.net//linux/RPM/contrib/libc6/i386/defrag-0.73-5.i386.html
  18. Philipp

    Nvidia drivers break Xfree 4.2.1 in debian Sid

    Did you used the lastest drivers (1.0-3123)? They should work under XFree86 4.2.1
  19. Philipp

    Microspeed Workaround

    Thanks. Updated
  20. Philipp

    Help me!

    1. Start your computer with a DOS boot disk 2. Run fdisk /mbr to restore the master boot record 3. Reboot 4. In Windows: Remove all Linux partitions
  21. There is an USB troubleshooting article at MandrakeForum: http://www.mandrakeforum.com/article.php?sid=2459&lang=en
  22. Red Hat is using GRUB instead of LILO. To add Windows XP to the bootmenu: Open /etc/grub.conf (as root) in your favorite editor and add the follow: title Windows XP rootnoverify (hd0,0) chainloader +1 Here an example grub.conf: Code: # grub.conf generated by anaconda## Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file# NOTICE: You have a /boot partition. This means that# all kernel and initrd paths are relative to /boot/, eg.# root (hd0,2)# kernel /vmlinuz-version ro root=/dev/hda4# initrd /initrd-version.img#boot=/dev/hdadefault=1timeout=10splashimage=(hd0,2)/grub/splash.xpm.gztitle Red Hat Linux (2.4.18-4) root (hd0,2) kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.18-4 ro root=/dev/hda4 hdd=ide-scsi initrd /initrd-2.4.18-4.imgtitle Windows XP rootnoverify (hd0,0) chainloader +1
  23. Philipp

    Compaq 900z laptop

    There is a Mandrake 8.2 installation guide for the Compaq Presario 904: http://david.aragao.name/laptop/intro.shtml
  24. Philipp

    To Admin: Email Change

  25. Philipp

    To Admin: Email Change

    Quote: To admin, I need to change my email in my profile, but when I try to do so it says that the email is registered to another user. Strange thing is, is that I just created this address (at Excite.com) a few days ago. So its impossible for someone else to have it. Please send me an email with details (e.g. your new email address) and I check it out.