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Posts posted by cugurl02

  1. it is an acer aspire 5102WLMi.


    the neighbor basically F'ed it up cuz they did just load a basic windows XP disk. Also, I checked and the laptop has ServicePack 3. Should it still be ServicePack 2? Also, if there are drivers missing, can i download those somewhere? and are they free? I've downloaded alot of these "driver-scan" programs and they aren't much help.

  2. I've searched everywhere and have tried everything to fix this. My dad recently got our laptop restored by our neighbor and i think the version of windows is wrong or missing alot of stuff. My SansaView MP3 player isn't recognized at all on it. When I plug it into my sister's laptop, it works fine and it says what it's supposed to say. But when I plug it into this one, it says USB device not recognized and the USB has malfunctioned. I talked to one of my friends, he says the media components on my version of windows is missing something, or a driver maybe? So I was just wondering if anyone knew what to download to make it a recognize it like my sister's computer did. Thanks
