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Posts posted by suzyhurrry

  1. Hi. My 160GB WD Passport also suddenly quit working over the weekend. It had previously worked on both my home machine and my Dell laptop, and now is not recognized on either these machines, or any of the others I've tried.


    Unfortunately, I have tried the vast majority of these solutions. I am using the original cable; I tried using other cables, including a similar short one from someone else’s USB device that looked like the one that came with my HD; tried using other computers; tried downloading a driver (for which I could find none); tried going through disk manager and device manager and admin tools/services (as suggested by jaywannahelp in Oct...WD is not even listed); tried plugging it into every single USB port on the laptop and the computer both front/back and I even tried the one in the docking station; tried laying the drive on its side, upside down, and vertically; tried giggling the connections and wire…


    Only solutions not tried, taking the case apart and plugging the hard drive directly into the motherboard, using a USB-powered hub or a USB booster cable, plugging it into a machine running Vista or Linux or into a Mac, and lastly, taking it to a computer shop and begging for help.


    The drive does not click, the blue light is on, and it appears to be functional. It is just not being recognized.


    Anyway...I have to stop at Best Buy later tonight to pick up the booster cable and hub to attempt those, and I'm trying to locate a friend with Vista, Linux, or a Mac.


    Other than that...I'm out of ideas.


    Glad to hear that others have at least had some success!

