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Posts posted by sandpc

  1. Hi, please help with any of the following if possible.

    My OS is Vista Premium.


    This is the order of problems and what I did about them:


    -Everything was working fine until the subject message appeared and my mouse stopped working, tried it on other USB ports, but has not worked since.

    -Built-in camera not working either.

    -Did a system restore twice, and installed windows updates but problem still occurring.

    -While above step was happening, 3 out of 5 times the OS wouldn't load, it would just show my PC brand logo (ASUS)

    -After updates installed, it would not load OS at all.

    -I was able to access the BIOS and went on the priority boot, and disabled the USB ports, left other stuff as is.

    -I was able to log back in, but annoying message "USB not recognized" continues to show, and mouse not working.


    Please help!! Thank you!!
