First press start on your computer and click run and in the box type dxdiag. Then in the window that pops up click display. At the botton there are 3 programs with either enabled, disabled, or not available. Next to Direct3D Acceleration I am guessing it says not available. If it says disabled just enable it. If it says enabled and it doesn't work I don't believe I can help. Now if it does say not available you will have to download DirectX 9.0c at this website:;displaylang=en Verify your type of internet connection and click continue and verify it again and click download. Now how you download it is very important! Do not press open you have to save it! Make sure you save it on our desktop! YOU CANNOT SAVE IT ANYWHERE ELSE! After it is downloaded on your desktop minamize the internet to your desktop and you will see its icon. Double click it to run it and follow what it says. After that is done restart your computer and go back to pressing start, run, dxdiag and see if its there now and enabled and try playing Sims 2 now!
I hope I was a help and if you have any other questions on it please email them to me at Good luck!