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Posts posted by Saeda_Matsuko

  1. I have had this same problem too and tried so many ways to fix it. But still...no luck. BTW, this happened to all my devices (except mp3 player,printer and external HDD) when I reinstalled windows XP after my Dell Inspiron 9300 laptop caught the NewWin32 virus. frown

    As soon as I find a solution that works,I be sure to post.


    I tried everything anyone suggested except the PCI based USB card and the external usb hub. I haven't sent my laptop to Dell. http://www.compatdb.org/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/179132/page/0/fpart/1


  2. Hello everyone. I am very frustrated with this issue and I hope someone can help me.

    After my laptop caught the dreaded New Win32 virus, I realized that it was beyond my control and so I reinstalled my OS. Now I tried to install devices that used to work before the reinstallation. Now they don't work.

    (The only devices that work correctly are my Western Digital external HDD and my IRiver mp3 player.)


    Before I move on, here are my Laptop specs.

    I have a Dell Inspiron 9300 laptop

    with Windows XP Media Center Edition version 2002 with

    service pack 2


    Intel Pentium M processor 1.60 GHz

    1.60GHZ, 1.00 GB of RAM



    Ok so, I follow installation guides correctly but these usb devices still don't work. For example, with my Dell printer, everything goes well with installation (its recognized correctly) until all of a sudden, the Found New Hardware wizard appears. I try to follow it but that doesn't work. I try to exit out of that and when I did, I get the problem with the Device occured. and that the device has malfunctioned and its not working properly. Now, the printer shows up as Hid instead of Dell 922 printer.


    With my microsoft wireless mouse,you are supposed to be able to plug it in, sync it, and it starts to work. Instead, the found new hardware wizard appears (when it should not have) and it messes up the mouse by giving me the malfunction message. (In Device Manager, it shows up in Other devices as the correct mouse name. But there are no drivers on it (When plugged into my brother's Dell desktop, it works correctly and has two drivers on it). I copied those drivers into my laptop (one was not found on my laptop) and then tried to set those drivers up. Now I get Device Could not Start Code 10."

    Other devices that required the software install first and then, when plugged in are supposed to work without the found new hardware wizard do not work.Once I plug it in, the laptop freezes for a good 2 minutes and the the Found New Hardware Wizard pops up.

    I talked with Dell twice and installed the BIOS and Chipset and tried updates too. But my devices do not work even when I uninstall and try again. I tried everything that other people on the topic suggested but no luck. (I have not replaced the motherboard or bought a usb hub though).


    I'm sorry if this was very lengthy, but I do hope I can get some help with this. I am very worried and stressed out. ANY help would be tremendously appreciated! Thank you ^_^
