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Posts posted by equilution

  1. I have had exactly the same problem with the same exact configuration on my M170. However, I wasn't using mine for gaming when it happened. I have run the troubleshooting gammit, from up[censored] the BIOS drivers, NVidia's drivers (which you can't get from NVidia..only from Dell because it's a laptop). The only way I'm able to work now is by disabling the GeForce display adapter in System>Hardware>Device Manager. This will allow you to use the computer, but the graphics refresh is slower than NVidia's card because you are sharing the Pentium's "band-with" with everything else the CPU is trying process, in addition to the video now. It's only a band-aid until I can find a permanent solution. 3 hours on the phone with Dell yesterday didn't fix it. Calling NVidia gets you someone in India saying that you have to call Dell. No one is owning the problem....SHOCKER!!! I have tried EVERYTHING. So, I have backed up all my data in the event I need to reinstall XP. The only thing left that I can think of is that the registry has become so corrupt, that the only thing that will fix it is a complete re-install of XP. Unless you're willing to try one of those registry repair utilities like RegClean for $29...but that's no guarantee. If anyone has any other suggestions, please let me know.


    Jim (equilution)


