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Posts posted by coolguy3

  1. To those having the BSOD's, computer spontaneously rebooting on them without notice, system not booting into Windows, computer automatically shutting down when least expected etc., & other mysterious troublesome issues take a look here:



    From the site:

    "Over the years, there have been massive quantities of name-brand, high quality motherboards failing prematurely due to these faulty electrolytic capacitors used in their manufacturing process. This has doomed MANY popular and expensive brands of motherboards, including: Abit, Asus, MSI, Gigabyte, Supermicro, DFI, Dell, Hewlett Packard, IBM, and MANY more! "


    System Faults:

    Motherboard fails to POST.

    Memory Test Fails.

    System randomly and/or constantly reboots itself.

    Fails to fully boot (or even install) Operating System.

    System randomly and frequently freezes.

    Random & frequent 'Blue Screens of Death'

    BSoD or hard freeze under heavy drive activity (Either RAID, SCSI, or standard ATA)

    CPU temps abnormally higher than usual under typical or less load.

    *CPU VCORE & other system voltages are erratic or far out of tolerances.

    Resetting the system after a freeze and the system will not repost.

    (You have to completely power down then power back up.)


    Could be a bad capacitor(s) on your motherboard or power supply.

    Check out the detailed pictures & how to identify faulty capacitors:



    I was having similar issues as many describe here. My computer would suddenly reboot at random. And I was getting the BSODS as well. Tried replacing ram, graphics card, up[censored] drivers, & running Memtest software & so on, to no luck. Turns out there were 4 bad capacitors on my computer's motherboard shocked! After those were replaced the problems ceased to exist and the computer ran much more stable as result. Hope this helps someone here in solving the computer headaches.


