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Posts posted by pulldownyourpants

  1. Not sure if you're still here waiting for a response, BUT, I was having the same issue/concern with my Lyra RD2317 (RD2317A).


    I got around the "shuffle not really shuffling" problem by creating a dummy file (two actually.) One named -junk.mp3 and the other named zjunk.mp3. That way, what ever end this POS decides to play from, it doesn't play the same damn song to start over and over and over and over and...well...you get the idea. The files are 1KB in size so there isn't any time wasted zipping through it to the next one. I've tested the shuffling by powering off the unit, powering back on, and hitting play immediately on the "Folders" selection (not sure if your model is set up like mine.) It started with a new song everytime. WOOHOO! BUT at the same time, THIS SUCKS!! Why can't it remember where it left off and go from there? Why does this POS have to restart everything???


    Oh, and RCA has an OLD firmware update for my model. Mine came with 4.06 and the website is offering 3.11. GOOD JOB THERE RCA!!
