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Posts posted by jpguywatchout

  1. alright well i just put the Betrayal in Antara(BiA) CD in... my computer read the CD, and asked me if i wanted to install. I said yes, and it went to a larger set-up screen --- the set-up screen had a few options, the most important of which was "install".... so i clicked on that and then it says it has to test my computer for compatability... and just now a little windows box about 1-inch x 2-inches popped up:


    The title of the windows box says 'Application Error', and the message inside the box says "integer divide by 0" (that's a new one for me)... and I have to close the box... and nothing happens.


    I take the CD out, blow on it (a la Nintendo style) and re-insert. The CD is read again, and the same initial box comes up asking if i want to install... i click on yes - and now nothing happens at all. Just nothing. But at least i have this small glass of wine and a bit of Tom Petty kickin for company.


    Now onto the Return to Krondor(RtK) CD.... here I go:


    inserting CD... install screen comes up, looking good... I click on install, and within about 3 seconds, a little window pops up -- it looks a lot like the previous window i encountered with BiA - except the title of this window is 'System Error' and the text says, "Cannot read from device"


    My two options in this 'System Error' window are to cancel or abort. The application error i got with BiA gave me no such choice. Now I'm no genius, but that ain't much of a choice is it? I see little distinction between the two options. I think my computer may be sentient, and is actively screwing with me... i hear laughter.


    Finally, I've gone into the 'My Computer' shortcut on my desktop and tried again. Computer got a little crankier I see. No longer does a System Error window come up, now it is an "Application Error" window, and it says "SETUP caused a General Protection Fault in module SETUP.EXE at 0001:2047. Choose close, SETUP will close."


    I have little option but to click on the 'close' button and end this torture.


    So to answer your initial question DosFreak, the error messages just pop up as a little MS window... usually in the middle of the screen.


    As far as i can tell, i have all 3 BiA CDs, and both RtK CDs, so i don't think i'm missing anything... they are originals, not burnt cds or anything.... got 'em on Ebay for like $10. Could it be the CDs, or is it definitely my cranky-ass cpu?


    thank you for your time,



  2. well i just finished Betrayal at Krondor and that was fun. Blast from the past. Thanks Dosbox for that.


    So now i have Return to Krondor and Betrayal in Antara CDs to play, but when I insert the disc from either game, a System Error box comes up, and says "Cannot read from device"...


    and if that doesn't happen, then this problem does:


    an Application Error box that comes up, and it says "SETUP caused a General Protection Fault in module SETUP.EXE at 0001:2047...."


    so i can't get anywhere with either of these games - which are like 5 years more recent than Betrayal at Krondor... dammit! you'd think it would get easier...


    My cpu platform seems to be Windows XP professional.


    I did a search of these chat forums here but holy crap there are a lot of pages. anyone solve these problems before? you can just refer me to another page if you like, or cut & paste that answer to this post... i'd be grateful.


    my google search told me plenty about how these two games aren't as good as the original Betrayal at Krondor, so i'll just

    pre-empt that banter here and now with an, "I know, I know... I've decided to play them anyway."


    *Note: I'm not particularly adept with computers, so use acronyms and cpu-lingo to screw me up further smile


    I honestly need a step-by-step. thank god i found a step-by-step for DosBox or else i'd never have played BaK either!


    any help appreciated boyz,


