I recantaly got all my computers setup on a wireless netork and then decided to install suse 10 on one of the computers.
I had a look to see if there were any issues on useing wireless networks and found out various things. So thinking i had enough info i tried it out and &%?@~ it doesnt work.
Heres the wireless card i have:
netgear wg311v3
wep protected 128bit
Heres extactly what i did:
1. downloaded suse 10 64bit DVD image.
2. burn image to dvd.
3. booted onto dvd, went through the install process and installed every package.
4. booted into suse
5. more configureing like password and stuff
6. got onto kde desktop
7. copied WG311v3.INF & WG311v3XP.sys to home/username/
8. ran konsole
9. type as follows
password: blah blah
ndiswrapper -i home/username/WG311v4.INF
<worked fine>
ndiswrapper -l
installed ndis drivers:
wg311v3 driver presant, hardware presant
<works fine >
ndiswrapper -m
adding alias wlan0 ndiswrapper to <oh cant remember>
modprobe ndiswrapper
FATEL cannot find ndiswrapper module
AND )(*£"&*£^$(£^*&^*"^$£*&" this is where it all goes wrong.
So what can i do i cant find any help on if this happens everything just says if no errors then type some command i cant remember of the top of my head.
BTW could you also tell me what i should do once this is fixed