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Posts posted by TIPTO12

  1. Ok.. I've never been able to access this website. It's www.owcc.cc.fl.us This is the website for my college and I need to be able to access it to complete requirements to start school. I lived in Louisiana and on the same computer could never access the site, but on my parent's computer, there was no problem. We were networked with a router in our house. I just moved to Florida and now I'm using a totally different ISP, but same computer, and still can't access it. I'm assuming it has something to do with my computer in particular. Here is a screen shot of the page that comes up.


    I couldn't get the image to work. It just says at the bottom that it's either a webserver problem or a DNS error. If it would help to see the image I can send it via AIM or email...


    Is there anything I can change that will allow me to access the site? My parents used IE and I've tried it using the IE and Maxthon browsers. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I need this site to access library info for classes throughout the school year. Thanks for any help.
