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Everything posted by Cormac

  1. Cormac

    Rapidshare Premium Account

    If I understand you correctly you are looking for a crac* for a rapidshare account. If that is correct, we don't do things against the law at this forum.
  2. Cormac


    Alli, you will need to discuss that with the people you work for. I for one am uncomfortable helping you bypass their setup.
  3. Cormac

    DirectX 9.0c

    Have you tried Wilhelmus suggestion?
  4. Cormac

    I need some help installing interstate 76.

    Thanks Wilhelmus, I totally forgot about the virtual pc and the vmware.
  5. Cormac

    Start up order

    There should be a way in the options menu to set it up so that it doesn't start at boot up.
  6. Cormac

    Windows XP (SP2) freeze

    You can go into device manager and delete the keyboard and then install the new one.
  7. Cormac

    I need some help installing interstate 76.

    No problem, your welcome.
  8. Cormac

    I need some help installing interstate 76.

    yeah, if that is what the game needs.
  9. Cormac

    I need some help installing interstate 76.

    You would need a program like Partition Magic. You would be able to put your hard drive back to one piece by deleting the partition. Yes it can be done in under 3 hours. One thing though, to make it work you are going to have to have the other Operating System to install on the partition. It might be easier in the long run to find a different game to play.
  10. Cormac

    I need some help installing interstate 76.

    OS stands for operating system. So I would guess that game needs either Win 95 or Win 98. To partition means to split your hard drive up into smaller pieces.
  11. Cormac

    I need some help installing interstate 76.

    Thats the only way I know how to do it. Another possible choice is to partition your hard drive and run whichever OS that game needs on that partition.
  12. Cormac

    I need some help installing interstate 76.

    I just right click on the program icon, then choose properties and you can then see the compatibility tab.
  13. Cormac

    Samsung SD-612B Drivers (Windows XP)

    A, that posting is over a year old and solved.
  14. Cormac

    Red Alert 2 and Windows XP

    You should never have to reinstall windows to play a game.
  15. Scan those disks you burned using the command *.scr and see if it is even in there. If it is great, then move it to the C:\Windows\System32 folder If not see if anyone you know is using Win xp media center and have them copy it to disk for you. If none of those work you may be out of luck in getting it back. Good Luck
  16. Cormac

    I need some help installing interstate 76.

    SP2 is the security updates to Win. If you go to http://update.microsoft.com/microsoftupdate/v6/default.aspx?ln=en-us and run the express setup. It will check your system to make sure you have the latest updates. Just be sure to set a system restore point before you do the updates (if there are any you need). You go to start, all programs, accessories, then to system tools and then down to system restore. Always make sure you do a system restore before you update your computer. The updates sometimes can cause problems.
  17. Cormac

    Font Installation Problem

    Try this for the Word problem http://word.mvps.org/faqs/formatting/NoFonts.htm As for photoshop and draw you need to import them into the program. They don't recognize them.
  18. Cormac

    I need help with the sims 2

    Download this program called Sisoft Lite here. http://www.majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=4664 Run this program and it will tell you what video adapter you are using. Then google the name of the video adapter and go to their site and using their search function, find the driver you need and download and install it. If you have more questions then come back and we can help further. Good Luck
  19. Cormac

    DSL Light on Router keeps flashing

    I agree with Sampson that is is signal to noise ratio. I would also have BT come out and "burn" the telephone lines from one of their nodes that is getting full signal before your place to your place. When they "burn" a line they send a charge down it to clear up any interference. If that doesn't do it look to the wiring in the house and also make them give you a new router. Can't hurt to cover all basis. Oh by the way, you only need to post once to get a response. Posting the same problem over and over will only serve to pis* people off and may end up in you not getting any help at all. Good Luck
  20. Cormac

    Stupid Stupid Stupid.....ect

    More then likely they are using Win's built in firewall. So time to set permissions.
  21. Cormac

    I need some help installing interstate 76.

    Yeah that is over twice as many as I have with XP Pro, 2178. Try the things Misosoup suggests and we can go from there.
  22. Cormac

    I need some help installing interstate 76.

    Ok I think the reason you aren't seeing it is that it is hidden. What you need to do is go to start, my computer and then go up to tools, then open folder options. Next click on the view tab and then put a mark in the show hidden files/folders. Then you should be able to do what Wilhelmus signature suggests. Hopefully that will fix the problem for you. Good Luck
  23. I found this site using the search feature in this forum. http://members.driverguide.com/driver/detail.php?driverid=77513 Good Luck
  24. Cormac

    need help with ATI TV Wonder USB 2.0

    I don't know anything about that card but if it is semi new I would return it for another one.
  25. Cormac

    I need some help installing interstate 76.

    What operating system are you using?