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Everything posted by Cormac

  1. Cormac

    I need some help installing interstate 76.

    You can also try this site Jamie. http://www.3dgamers.com/games/interstate76/
  2. Cormac

    I need some help installing interstate 76.

    It's a long shot but Wilhelmus signature suggests trying this. For "16 bit subsystem" error: Copy "autoexec.nt" and "config.nt" files from "C:/Windows/Repair" to "C:/Windows/System32"
  3. Cormac

    I need some help installing interstate 76.

    Just one other thing. What exactly happens when you try and install the game? I was looking at this site earlier http://www.gamespot.com/pc/adventure/interstate76/news.html?mode=all and they mention 3 patches for that game. Have you tried all 3?
  4. Cormac


    what is the full error message you are getting?
  5. Cormac

    I need help with the sims 2

    krittija, it would help us alot to know what the error message is that you are getting
  6. Cormac

    Linksys WRT54G Disconnect and speed problem

    5 postings about your problem is total BS. If it started 2 days ago then return the crap product and get your money back and buy anything other then Linksys.
  7. Cormac

    error message

    No problem Goldensign. Am I correct in assuming that you want to uninstall Yahoo? From the sounds of that error message you may have to log into your computer as the Administrator to remove it.
  8. Cormac

    I need some help installing interstate 76.

    We need to know your system info to be able to better troubleshoot the problem
  9. Cormac


    You can try and go here and download the wininet.dll and install it and see if that helps. There are 2 there so grab both and try one and if that doesn't work then at least you will have the 2nd one to try. http://dll.yaroslavl.mu/index.php3?lng=&in_char=W
  10. Cormac

    Resident Evil 3

    Have you checked to make sure your video card is supported by the game? It could also be ram related, do you have enough to support the game? Do you only experience this problem when you try and play this game or does it do it to other apps? Have you tried running the DirectX diagnostic program on your video card? Have you checked CapCom to see if there is a patch out for this problem? I'm running out of ideas to try. Hopefully one of the above will help fix the problem. Good Luck
  11. Cormac


    Try a system restore back to the date before you messed with IE.
  12. Cormac

    Resident Evil 3

    Have you tried this yet? "I just made it so it ran in 256 colours!.. worked like a charm!"
  13. Cormac

    error message

  14. Cormac

    I need help with the sims 2

    PhayzR, have you tried to play the game with the compatibility mode enabled? Are you sure you have the cd-rom version and not the DVD version? Another thing you can check on real quick is if your cd-drive is working properly by putting in a different disc and see if it is read properly.
  15. Cormac


    Char,if you can download a small file. Go here http://www.majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=3155 and download this program and run it and then post the log it makes in this thread. I am really curious to see if you don't have more problems with your system.
  16. Cormac

    I need help with the sims 2

    You are all set to go. The games only requires 32mb.
  17. Cormac

    Help! After qoologic trojan can't login to windows.

    I don't know much about this trojan, best thing I can suggest is to Google it. I found quite a few listings of sites that dealt with that one. Good Luck
  18. Cormac


    Damn man where do you live that the cheapest PSU on that list you posted is $220 bucks and the average is over $700.00. I would buy the one that Relic mentioned for $141.
  19. Well you have 2 options to try. First one is to do a search on your harddrive using *.scr and see if it appears anywhere on your computer. Second one is to try and get a disk from the makers of your computer since you say it is new.
  20. Cormac


    Char, first do as Thor suggests and buy a new power supply. At least 400 watts. I just finished an article that Philipp had posted here on power supplies and it says it leads to crashes when you don't have enough juice to run everything. See if that doesn't take care of the problem. If it doesn't then go for the RAM, check who made your comp for the proper RAM to use. The rule of thumb on RAM is, buy as much as you can afford. It only gets more expensive as time goes by for older style RAM. Good Luck
  21. Cormac

    Red Alert 2 ONLINE?

    http://strike-team.net/nuke/html/index.php The info is on the left hand side
  22. Cormac


    It sounds like you seriously need to add more ram to your system
  23. Cormac


    Gef4000, is correct in what you need to do. I wouldn't doubt if you haven't picked up alot of Spyware or worse. If you can download a small file then go here and download Hijack This and run it and post the log in this thread. http://www.majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=3155 Good Luck
  24. Cormac

    Blue Screen of Death HELP!!

    Jason, skip the system restore and rerun Hijack this and put checkmarks next to the rest of the ones I mentioned before. The same ones that Wilhelmus made reference to and then click on the fix checked button. Then repost a new Hijack This log.
  25. Cormac

    flashy page.....?

    SOS, since you are making reference to that other problem. You can go here and download kernel32.dll and install it. There are 2 kernel32.dll's there for download, just grab them both and install one and see if that fixes the problem. If it doesn't then run the other one. http://dll.yaroslavl.mu/index.php3?lng=&in_char=K Good Luck