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Posts posted by Indiana_Jones

  1. The bloody thing annoys the crap out of me too, just imagine how many idiots must be buying it, they put the f'ing advert on twice during one break on some channels, and on some it's back to back! Frog isnt THE most annoying though, that damn stupid dragon thing annoys me more, so does that chick. ;(


    Ah to hell with it, burn all mobile ringtone adverts! laugh

  2. Hi,


    My machine has a curious problem, well it isn't really a problem for me because I never use flash. But basically if I go onto a flash based website (IE ICQ Chat room) or run a flash application I'll get a blue screen error after a couple of minutes. Not sure what causes it or how to fix it, its just a niggly little thing that I'd like to iron out if possible. Only idea I had is that it might be sound-card related, there was one occasion when I removed my sound card for some reason (can't remember why) and remember playing a flash animation fine.


    Any suggestions?


    My system specs are:


    Win 2K Pro

    AMD Duron 1.1GHZ

    640MB RAM

    Geforce 4 MX440 64MB

    Soundblaster live 5.1 Digital

    40GB HDD

  3. Hi,


    I recently bought and installed GTA Vice City, it was a clean install and there were no errors. The problem comes when I start the game, the program runs fine, but when I press 'new game' the loading bar freezes half-way and I get a 'GTA-VC.EXE Has caused errors, you will need to restart the program' message.


    I've tried playing with various graphics settings, and updated to the latest drivers for my GFX card... Also tried re-installing, nothing seems to work.


    Any suggestions? Cheers.


    My system specs are:


    Win 2K Professional

    AMD Duron 1.1Ghz

    640MB RAM

    Geforce 4 MX440 64MB

    Soundblaster live 5.1 digital

    40GB HDD
