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Posts posted by mims1979

  1. Yes, thats what I'm saying, I've seen/tried/tried/tried.... all those solutions time and time again, it doesn't make a difference. For example, visit http://usern:passw@www.ntcompatible.com/index.php and try to right click and save the logo at the top, it will still give you "untitled.bmp" instead of "ntc.jpg" It doesnt matter if the pages us password protected or not, anytime you visit a site with the username:password@site.com its going to do that. Does it not work the same way on your PC?


  2. I have, and have had for years, this same issue, mine only happens when i use http://username:password@whatever.com/


    Any image that I tell IE to save on that page will pop up as untitled.bmp. I agree with you as well, I've tried all the "delete internet files", "remove activeX objects" etc. And as I said, I've been dealing with this for years, all the way back to Win98, personally, I've never seen a machine that does work correctly in that instance. I know over the past 6-7 years I've loaded OS's tons of times, loaded IE tons of times, and it always turns out the same way. I've tried it immediatly after a reload, different service packs, different updates, etc, I can't seem to get anywhere on this. Every couple months I search around for an answer again and never find anything that helps.
