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Posts posted by ajpriest

  1. Hi,


    Can anyone reliably inform me of the following:


    I have an XP network, an XP Pro machine is dedicated as the server (this is basically where the shared files and folders are located, it does no other server functions), the share permissions are for all users full control.


    Users on other XP machines are able to browse the folders and use the files which is understandable.


    There is one user who needs to have access restricted to a single folder on the drive. This is the problem, can anyone advise please how to do this?





  2. Thanks,


    I shall try that.


    I also found a couple of tutorials at:





    and finally, although it's for 2000, I'm hoping it will be similar for 2003: http://www.activewin.com/win2000/step_by_step/infrastructure/serversteps1.shtml


    These seem to backup what you have said. I tried doing this before but it said something along the lines of the domain not being accessable.


    Hopefully this time!!


    I will keep you posted.





  3. Hi all,


    Presently I have 5 pc's, all have logon accounts built in and range from 98, 2000 to XP SP1. I would like to setup a Win 2003 server that MS have kindly given me (as a student).


    I want to setup the server to control the access of users on my home network. Which ever machine I (or the kids) log onto, it will load a roaming profile.


    I did give it a try but it wanted a domain address like www.microsoft.com, this I do not have, I just want it on my internal private network.


    Can anyone assist before I try setting this up again?






  4. Hi,


    I suspect you may be in a similar situation to me here.


    I setup my router to forward all http requests from outside my internal network to the IIS server (same with ftp).


    If a person outside the network enters your IP in a browser the router then forwards the request to the web server. Your public IP would be x.x.x.x which the router forwards to your private internal IP y.y.y.y which is the IP of the IIS server.


    Check your router forwarding settings.


    Hope this helps.




