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Posts posted by amosgeoff

  1. Hi Bill You are a Genius!

    It worked like a charm. All along I've been trying to install using CUPS with a browser "http://localhost:631/admin" , but it would install and print blank pages and junk. I was getting confused at which options to choose for "device", and "device url" as most of them seemed be the right one.

    Also it seems CUPS doesn't have drivers for canon coz it wasn't listed among the available drivers. Plus I didn't know what port to use on the printer. Most printers seem to use 9100, apparently canon doesn't mine uses 515.

    Anyway I think CUPS is a great tool if only they could add a feature that auto-detects the port on the printer. I also think that canon should improve their support for Linux, I downloaded a file from their site but failed to install it. It kept crashing at some point.

    Well you have made my day. I had almost given up, a big thumbs up to you mate! laugh
