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Posts posted by hotfoot

  1. Just doing a few checks with the tool you had provided, I am able to receive those test emails. I am not however able to send directly to this domain. If you have any more ideas or suggestions they would be greatly appriciated.






    The eternal newbie.....

  2. I am new to Exchange, so I did the typical geek thing and just dove in and started playing around. I have installed Exchange 2k on my Win2kAS server. I am able to send email from this domain that I have setup, but I am not able to send to this domain. I have setup my MX record to point directly to my IP. These MX records have been in place for over a week now, and I am still unable to send mail to this domain. I am sure that I am missing something very simple. If you have any ideas please let me know.





    The eternal newbie.....
