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Everything posted by mctonale

  1. mctonale

    Sounds in Internet Explorer

    Should work. Check registry @ my computer\hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\internet explorer\advancedoptions\multimedia\sounds. should show (among others): (Defult): (value not set) CheckedValue: yes DefultValue: yes Text: Play sounds in web pages Type: checkbox UncheckedValue: no ValueName: Play_Background_Sounds.
  2. mctonale

    Sounds in Internet Explorer

    Go to control panel\internet options click advanced tab, scroll down to multimedia and uncheck 'play sounds in web pages'
  3. mctonale

    Thomas the tank engine - Great Festival Adventure

    also works on xp. i had trouble finding this solution so maybe it needs to stay.
  4. mctonale

    Thomas the tank engine - Great Festival Adventure

    right click the icon on the desktop go to properties. got to the compatibility tab. check the 'run this programe in compatibility mode for:' box. and select windows 98 / windows ME and it will work perfectly.