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Posts posted by peter_d

  1. Here's the solution (works with Dell laptops anyway).


    1. Have ONLY the laptop screen enabled (using display->settings-> ensure that the "extend my windows desktop..." is NOT checked.

    2. Now, using the laptop keyboard switch the output of the screen to be the external VDU ONLY by using the Fn+F7 key (or similar combination).

    3. The laptop screen should go OFF and the external VDU should go ON.

    4. Now do the display->settings routine and ensure that the primary output is the large VDU sceen.

    5. Now select the second screen using the "Display" drop-down box and choose the second entry.

    6. Click on the "extend my windows..." box and the laptop screen will become active and default to the second screen in the system.


    Set up the screen resolutions as required.


    Problem solved!

