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Posts posted by sp4rk911

  1. I got BHODemon 2 or 3 weeks ago. Couple days ago, the program wont open. The tips show up but when i try to start up the program, the computer responds by showing "working in background" cursor then just gives up. This might have something to do with my heavy adware infection.

  2. ;( checked the regkey, value, whatever. discovered that path was set at




    is that bad? also, i havent tried reinstalling the web browser. sry about replys being so late. never have time to visit site.

  3. Checked the Lan connection, restricted sites, registry keys. everything seems normal. The LAN is connected directly to Int not a proxy. is that good or bad? im not sure what a proxy server is. i have no restricted sites. I scanned for Adware found none. I have a couple of BHO's that are in the adware section so i got rid of them.

  4. ;( Several weeks ago i tried using internet explorer but it didnt work. Right now i am using realone player web to go on internet. im not sure why it is not showing up. everything that needs internet works such as warcraft 3 battlenet and mmorpg's and error sending but the internet wont work. Anyone know what to do!? Is it a virus or what?! When i scanned with Norton Antivirus i found no virus but only a bunch of Adware (77 infected files to be exact) As i said, can someone hellp?

  5. A while ago ive gotten obsessed with Metal Slug (which lots of people might know about). I have bought a CD that contains Metal Slug, Metal Slug 2, Metal Slug 3, and Metal Slug X. All of them work fine except for Metal Slug. It always lags and sometimes exits the program. Im not sure if it is CD or if its my computer. :x

  6. is the bar u cant remove the one called ISEARCH cuz i have that thing. if u can find a program to remove those things such as xoftspy or adware remover, you can get rid of everything. i have over 4800 spyware infected files so dont feel bad.

  7. i was making a movie and connected my camcorder to pc. said that it wasnt compatible and it might damage my system and that stuff but i just clicked continue. while i was loading the stuff into the computers memory, it crashed a couple times. every month or so, my computer mysteriously restarts itself and i get this message about my computer recovering from a serious error that had to do with a device.

  8. frown how do u use emulators. ive downloaded mame, neoragex and


    all that stuff but i just dont get what all these files r for.


    i know they are for playing those classic games that have 8 bit


    and 16 bit graphics but the steps are weird. i am stranded.


    somebody help ;(
