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Posts posted by bearcreek

  1. Got the printer back, but the scanner still does not work. It will scan, but you cannot read what it scanned. It almost looks like it is in different format. It copies just fine, so I dont think it is the eye. Is there something in the driver or settings to change the format?

  2. Thanks for the replies. I tried what you said and it did not work. I removed all the drivers from the files you told me and restarted the print spooler. When I put the driver cd in, it tells me there is still a driver present. I cannot find it. I read on the cd that the driver was not compatible with NT. Is there another way to do this? It was working before I tried to reinstall the driver. Thanks again for the replies.

  3. We have had the printer for over a year and everything worked but the scanner. So today I decided to try to get the scanner to work and downloaded the driver from hp site. I downloaded the wrong driver(xp instead of nt) and it uninstalled the current driver. I then downloaded the correct driver and I cant get it to install. How can I get it to at least print again? I am not very good with computers. It is a gateway computer with windows 2000 nt and hp officejet v40 printer . Getting a new printer is not an option because it is a company printer. I read the officejet does not support windows 2000 nt.
