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Posts posted by peterh

  1. It sounds like the game needs to run from Windows NOT DOS, so it is incompatible with DOS Box.


    Normally, on later versions of windows (NT, 2000, XP etc) you can create a shortcut to the game exe file, click on Properties and click on the Compatibility tab and select an older version of Windows to 'emulate' it while running that program.


  2. Run NTBackup and select 'System State' in the items to be backed up which includes System files, drivers, registry and Active Directory, if its a Domain Controller.


    Note, moving Active Directory to a new server with different hardware can be problematic, ideally, you would not restore it to a new server but use DCPromo to promote another server and move the roles across.


  3. Also, you can use NTRIGHTS to change rights from another computer remotely on same network.

    e.g. ntrights -m \\computername -u Administrator [option]


    So you will need to bring a second computer along to fix the first computer.


  4. Sounds like you used old software on a new OS and cleared the rights, make sure you use the correct software!


    You could try the Recovery console:



    You could try enabling Guest access:

    net user guest /active:yes

    ntrights +r SeNetworkLogonRight -u Guest

    ntrights -r SeDenyNetworkLogonRight -u Guest


    Otherwise I suggest reinstalling Windows again to gain back access. Install it into a new folder if possible eg. WINDOWS2, WINNT etc.


  5. I sounds as if you have an older version of DirectX installed. Install DirectX 9.0c for the program to work.


    Run DXDIAG to see what video card and DirectX version you have, ideally the computers should have SP2 installed (SP1 is too old).


  6. Sorry its either all or nothing for for Group Policies on a local machine. You will have to configure settings for each limited user only so its in their settings only. For new users, you can copy new settings over the Default User profile.


    Computer Configuration settings affects all users.


  7. Catalyst 7.1 and 7.2 should have the openGL drivers installed.


    Load up the Catalyst Control Centre, expand Information centre and click on Graphics Software and it should display the OpenGL version.

  8. What is the exact error message?

    NTFS is the name of the file system: New Technology File System used by Windows NT4, 2000, XP and Vista.


    What kind of hard disks are they? Parallel ATA or Serial ATA drives?

    Parallel ATAs need to be configured as Master and Slave via Jumpers, SATA drives can be plugged in without any config. Make sure boot disk goes into first SATA slot.

