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Everything posted by peterh

  1. peterh

    Tiger Woods 2007 - Direct X Issue

    What is the spec of your PC?
  2. peterh

    Windows 2000 Server Domain giving problem XP OS

    Does you network have DHCP server? Does DHCP run on the Windows server or from a router? If running from a router, you may have 2 DHCPs on the same network that may be causing the problem and thus giving the wrong IP/gateway/dns information.
  3. peterh

    SIMS 2 ... directx 9.0c HELP

    Windows XP has DirectX 8.1 installed by default. Windows XP Service PAck 2 includes DirectX 9.0c. So, use Windows update to install latest service pack and patches. Next run DXDIAG.exe, click on the Display tab and tell us the following information: Name: Manufacturer: Chip Type: DDI Version: DirectDraw Acceleration: Direct3D Acceleration: AGP Texture Acceleration: Then we will be able to tell you why it is not working.
  4. peterh

    emachines H5036 USB Problem

    An alternative is to buy an extra USB PCI card (preferably an 2.0 for extra speed) and use that instead of built in USB ports. USB is supposed to be hot pluggable which means you can remove devices while the computer is switched on. This prevents devices from being 'fried'. The 'Remove Device Safely' feature is for storage devices to ensure file writes are completed and caches flushed before the device is removed. If a device is recognised when added to the system then it means the USB is working properly. It may be due to poor drivers or some sort of fault than the port being 'fried' as such.
  5. peterh

    Windows 2000

    Either install Windows 2000 Server and use file sharing on the server rather than shares on workstations. Alternatively, you can use Linux as a file server, if Windows 2000 Server is too expensive.
  6. peterh

    Problems installing unbuntu 7.04

    Sounds like it cannot find a graphics driver for X Windows. You need to configure your Laptop with the correct driver using the following tutorial: http://tldp.org/FAQ/Linux-FAQ/x-windows.html Your laptop uses an ATI X1700 which is quite new so the version of XFree on your copy of Linux may be too old.
  7. Reboot into Safe Mode (F5 key during boot) and login as 'administrator' and then use User Accounts control panel to reset your password.
  8. peterh

    New laptop cannot load xp??!?!

    Depends if Toshiba have developed any drivers for XP for that laptop. So you may be w/o graphics, sound or network facilities unless you want to use 3rd party drivers (if any).
  9. Sounds like you need to disable the onboard graphics chipset before you can use your new 7600 GS card. REboot and press the key to load the BIOS setup (usually F1, F2, DEL or something) and turn off the on board graphics.
  10. peterh

    Resident Evil 2 pc graphics glitch...HELP.....

    What gfx card are you using at present? Have you tried lowering the resolution and colour depth or disabling sepecific features the card has?
  11. peterh

    Does anyone know how to retrieve my sound.

    What make and model or computer or motherboard do you have? If you don't know try downloading a tool such as Astra32 or CPU-Z to work it out.
  12. peterh

    Problems With Connection and Log In

    Do you require Office installed to access the website? Have you cleared out any cookies and cached forms and passwords? Also, in Internet Options, Security, Custom, change the the login to Prompt for user and password.
  13. peterh

    WSUS 3 & 13042 Error

    Can the computer connect to Microsoft's website to update the server? Check IE settings, make sure you have latest ActiveX updates installed etc.
  14. peterh

    Dungeon Keeper Gold on Vista?

    Have you used the Compatibility tab? If you still have an older copy of Windows, you could use Virtual PC or VMWare to play it.
  15. See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/268550/en-us
  16. peterh

    HELP! Need to use USB port ASAP, not working.

    Does the camera use Flash memory cards? If so, you could attach a Flash card reader to the computer and insert the Flash card instead of the Camera. If the computer freezes then it may be due to a corrupt file system on the flash card thats causing the PC to hang.
  17. You can use GPEDIT.MSC to disable various parts of the Display control panel. See User Configuration, Administrative Templates, Control Panel, Display.
  18. peterh

    sims 2 won't install

    What is the specification of your DELL PC?
  19. peterh

    Sims 2 Deluxe Version HELP!

    I believe this is a DVD version of the Sims. You need a DVD drive to read it!
  20. peterh

    Call of Duty 1

    Sounds like it is having problems reading the CD with the gam e on it. Try cleaning the disk and/or the drive. Alternatively, copy the install files to a folder on hard disk and install from there (keep CD in the drive though).
  21. peterh

    Ge Force MX 4000

    Motherboard? Chipset? AGP speed? Use tools such as Sisoft Sandra or Astra32 to get more hardware information.
  22. peterh

    Converting "Dynamic" to "Basic" Hard Disk

    Try Paragon Partition Manager: http://www.partition-manager.com/
  23. peterh

    HP 1410 PSC Vista compatibility

    Yes, it has. See http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softw...=reg_R1002_USEN for latest software for PSC 1410.
  24. peterh

    Please Help!

    Virtual PC 2007 does not come with any OS, I'm afraid, you have to supply that yourself. You will need full editions not upgrade CDs or Restore CDs. Its pretty good, I have installed DR DOS, MS DOS, FreeDOS, Windows 3, WFW 3.11, Windows 98, Windows NT 4, Windows 2003 with VPC!! I have used VPC 2007 on XP Pro (not tried XP Home) and Vista Home Premium (even though it says its not compatible).
  25. peterh

    Please Help!

    Get hold of Virtual PC from Microsoft's web site, then get hold of Windows 95 or 98 or even Me. Install that on a virtual HD and then install the game on that. Then it should run better.... http://www.microsoft.com/virtualpc/