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Posts posted by iamroot

  1. I'm using rh9 now and i recently changed my graphics card to an NVIDIA geforce FX 5500 256MB RAM. But i discovered to my horror that rh9 couldn't detect my card and that it could only support maximum 128 MB video RAM. Could any body help me out here? Fedora Core users, can pls tell me if fc and support 256 MB video ram?

  2. Whenever i try to install Mplayer, a whole long list of dependencies come out. Is there like a command that can automatically download all these files and install them form terminal. I tot i read abt it somewhere.

  3. I'm using red hat 9 now and whenever i use either mozilla , firefox or galeon for some time, it will hang. But when i use konquerer or opera, it doesnt hang. I was thinking that maybe its the GECKO problem with my installation. Anybody got this prob before?

  4. I'm using red hat 9.0. And i tink the problem is more serious cos instead of all the green OKs that appears on my screen when it boots up, alot of FAILED appears. The system will hang when its a the "system logger" part.

  5. I just installed the nvidia drivers for my red hat 9 installation and now i cant boot it up anymore. There will be alot of error messages appearing on my screen and i cant even boot into console mode. Somebody help me!

  6. I want to play 3D games on my linux box and im guessing that i need to install the latest nvidia drivers but i see that the installation of the drivers is quite difficult. Does anybody noe n easier way to install the drivers like perhaps an RPM or something?
