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Everything posted by iamroot

  1. iamroot

    Virus protection for Linux

    ClamAv is really great. Pity it doesnt have a GUI though.
  2. Run chmod a+x on the installer first to reconfigure the permissions.
  3. Go to this site and use the UT2004 installer here. http://www.liflg.org/
  4. iamroot


    I personally wouldn't recommend Linspire. What makes it so attractive is it's similarities to Windows. Unfortunately, it shares more than looks with Windows. Linspire has been made for "ease-of-use" so many slack security rules found in Windows will be found in Linspire as well, such as the "every account is an admin account rule".
  5. iamroot

    Need Help installing DSL or Puppy

    You should have sufficient RAM is you want to run live cds given that the entire OS runs off the RAM.
  6. iamroot

    USB flash drives?????????

    You might want to try mounting your usb drives manually.
  7. iamroot

    Nvidia driver Mandrake10.1

    What kernel are you using now?
  8. iamroot


    GNOME has a Stock Ticker.
  9. I have alot of bookmarks in Firefox in Windows that i want to transfer to Firefox in GNU/Linux. Is it possible?
  10. Both OSes are on the smae hdd. Thanks for the help. I'll try it later.
  11. iamroot

    Nvidia drivers with SuSE 9.2

    Did you remove (load dri) and (load Glcore)? What kernel are you using now?
  12. iamroot

    installing fedora 3 and ubuntu

    What do u want to know? Just start the install process and you will be able to select the hard disk that you want to install GNU/Linux into.
  13. iamroot

    You Need Gmail

    Looks like Gmial will go public soon. Every Gmail user got 50 invites. I've got 50 unused invites.
  14. iamroot

    Problem istalling new kernel

    When you install the new kernel update, it doesn't replace the original kernel present in your system. When you boot up and get to the GRUB boot screen, you should see two entries there instead of one. Fedora Core 3 (2.6.10-1.766) Fedora Core 3 (2.6.9-1.667) If you do not do anything, the orginal kernel will bot up by default. Just select and boot the 2.6.10 kernel to use it. If you wan to uninstall the original kernel, simply type this in the terminal. rpm -e (kernel name)
  15. I'm currently learning Java now as a module in school and I'm using Eclipse IDE in FC2. I compiled this piece of code in Sun's J2SE compiler and it works fine but it doesn't compile under GCJ. package lab2; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import java.util.*; public class Ex2_06 { public static void main (String[] args) { String orderQty; orderQty = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What is your order Quantity?"); if (orderQty == null) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You didn't input anything!"); else if (Integer.parseInt(orderQty) >= 400) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "15% discount is offered!"); else if (Integer.parseInt(orderQty) >= 200) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "7% discount is offered!");8 else if (Integer.parseInt(orderQty) >= 100) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "3% discount is offered!"); else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "no discount is offered!"); System.exit(0); } } I'm aware that GCJ does not have all of Java's implementations and it seems to me that I can't invoke a GUI in Java. Any workarounds? Hope there are some people here who have coded java in GNU/Linux before.
  16. iamroot

    Java programming in GNU/Linux

    Okay. I get it. I could use Netbeans and Sun's SDK but i wouldn't want to use some non-free segments of Java unknowingly.
  17. I'm currently doing a module on Java programming at school and I'm currently using FC2. How can i program in Java without using Sun's Java SDK?
  18. iamroot

    no working media players

    What do you mean by "can not seem to play any movies or music"? Pls be a little more specific.
  19. iamroot

    Hardware compatibility!!

    You shouldn't have much problems with general hardware like CD-ROMS, Processors, Motherboards and Graphics Cards. The more tricky ones are the advanced hardware such as Audigy/Extigy sound cards, PCI Express Graphics Cards and the such. You shoudl be quite safe if you get standard hardware not advanced stuff.
  20. iamroot

    New to linux help help please

    If you wan to porgram java apps for free (free as in free speech not free beer) OSes liek GNU/Linux then you should know that using the Java SDK will not be advisable cos you might end up unwittingly using certain non-free aspects of Java and end up causing your program to not run well on free OSes. You should use GCC.
  21. iamroot

    RH8 or FC on dvd

    Live DVD?? I wasn't aware that there was such a thing.. Much less a RedHat version. The only Live CD version of RedHat/Fedora is Basilisk.
  22. iamroot

    Any programs like Speedfan for Linux?

    If you are using KDE then you might want to check out SuperKaramba at http://netdragon.sourceforge.net/ It provides applets that do lots of stuff like tell the weather, provide system info and moniter sys temp.
  23. iamroot

    Newbie Linux Distro Question

    Tried out WINE yet? Lots of older Win-only games work in WINE. But the NVIDIA drivers should be installed first.
  24. If you wanna install the NVIDIA drivers manually then you have to close X by editing /etc/inittab change (init:5) to (init:3) then restart your pc. You will notice that your system will not go into the GUI but remain at the terminal. X is now closed. Then go ahead and run the installer. Check ou the documentation at www.nvidia.com for more details.
  25. What do you mean by "default browser"? You can change the browser that appears when you click the Browser button on the toolbar at the bottom of the destop by rightclicking on it then delete it. Next, create a shortcut on your Desktop to Firefox. Then drag the shortcut to the empty space where the old browser button was.