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Everything posted by iamroot

  1. iamroot


    I see. Thanks! :-)
  2. iamroot

    Trying to Update Firefox in Mandrake Linux

    How did you intstall Firefox 1.0.2? Did you use the rpm -ivh command or rpm -Uvh? rpm -Uvh will do an upgrade while rpm -ivh will do a fresh install. To delete your old version of Firefox just type in rpm -q firefox into the command line then rpm -e (version of firefox to be uninstalled)
  3. iamroot

    My First PC....

    Wow. You guys used all these old-school hardware. i never had the chance. My 1st computer was a 133 Mhz Intel with Win 3.1.
  4. iamroot

    ./configure problems

    Suse does not include any compiler and development tools. To compile source code you need to to get the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) and install it. Maybe you can find some RPMs around.
  5. What do you guys think of a GPLed commercial game release? Possible or impossible?
  6. iamroot

    Installin software Linux Vs. Window

    That's provided the GNU/Linux user uses APT-GET or YUM. Installing RPMs manually is still pretty troublesome esp. with dependency hell. Hope the autopackage project will bear fruit and replace the RPM system with a standardized packaging system.
  7. iamroot


    I think Canons rock. My S400 still works great after so many years:-)
  8. iamroot

    Linux won't install (Both SuSE and Mandrake)

    The video card is my hunch as well. Tried any other OSes on that system?
  9. iamroot

    A GPLed commercial game. Possible?

    I'm not talking about source-code release game. What i mean is a commercial game like for example Battlefield Vietnam released under the GPL frm the start.
  10. iamroot

    Comands not working.

    It probably means that you don't have the software installed.
  11. iamroot

    I've Made The Switch, What Now?

    I'm using FC3 now and i have had no problems installing APT-GET on my installation.
  12. iamroot

    problem in booting XP with linux

    Does this problem exist with RH9? Didnt know that.
  13. That's weird. I've never run into any such problems with all the GNU/Linux distros i've used. My cable connection is always auto-detected. Are you using cable or DSL?
  14. iamroot

    problem in booting XP with linux

    Just enter this command at the terminal. sfdisk -d /dev/hda | sfdisk --no-reread -H255 /dev/hda Had this problem a while ago when running a FC2, Win XP config. It's a GRUB problem.
  15. The sound works perfectly when i play a video using mplayer. Sound works fine everywhere else.
  16. iamroot

    sound config in FC3

    I've been playing around with the audio contorls to achieve the perfect sound but have been unsuccessful so far. I keep getting this hollow sound where the singer's voice is really soft when i play my mp3s and i also get a crackly sound when i play some mp3s. can anyone tell me how i can adjust the bars in the control to get a decent sound?
  17. iamroot

    sound config in FC3

    I'm uing at ECS mobo. Cant remember the exact model name. Using AC 97 onboard sound. Sound works perfectly in FC2, just sucks in FC3. Audio disks play fine but no sound comes out. I've moved the CD bar in volume control all the way to max but to no avail. Btw, I'm using FC3 using the 2.6.10-770 kernel.
  18. iamroot

    sound config in FC3

    I have, but i still can't get it right. Haiz.
  19. iamroot

    Intel Sound Drivers Problem

    When you say that you cannot play audio files do you mean that an error msg comes up when you try to play them or there is simply no sound?
  20. iamroot

    problem with playing .mpeg,.dat files in redhat 9

    Get mplayer now cos it might be shut down soon.
  21. If you're proficient in Windows then getting RH9 up and running shouldn't be a problem. Becoming proficient in GNU/Linux is a different matter however.
  22. Does the ATI GNU/Linux driver support Mobility Radeons? Cos i'm buying a laptop soon and i don't want to spend money on a good graphic card only to find out that there aren't any drivers for it.
  23. You might want to try Rhythmbox as well.
  24. I just saw what NVIDIA has just released a new driver after quite some time and i need to know if ut runs out of the box with FC3 now cos the 6629 release ran into a helluva problems with udev in FC3 and i could never get it working. Anyone knows if 7167 will work without any additional tinkering?