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Everything posted by iamroot

  1. iamroot

    Need some basic newbie help.

    Pls state the kind of net access you are using. Is it dial-up, DSL or cable? The USB problem is weird cos GNU/Linux has really excellent USB support. I've never run into any USB problems.Maybe its cos of the laptop.
  2. I'm using FC3 now with Firefox 1.0.2. I installed the mplayer -plugin to watch quicktime trailers and it works fine except for the fact that there is no sound at all. Could this be a problem with mplayer or the settings on my PC?
  3. How ca I delete a hidden folder? For example, my WINE directory in /home/iamroot/.wine How can i delete the whole folder?
  4. iamroot

    how to delete a hidden folder?

    Thanks. Didnt know that one.=)
  5. iamroot

    Please Help!

    I've just got my board changed for a new one and everything works just fine=) Nevertheless, thanks for all the help guys!
  6. It's a mandrake problem. I faced it before and solved it but i can't remember how. I found the solution on the nvidia forums.
  7. iamroot

    how to delete a hidden folder?

    Oops. I've found the answer to my own question. Didnt know that one could set hidden folders and files to be seen in Nautilus.
  8. iamroot

    Please Help!

    My PSU is rated for 480W. I've even tried removing all my RAM sticks and every other hardware except for the processor and the power supply but the problem is still there. Im using 1 Kingston 256 MB DDR-266 RAM and 1 Kingston 512 MB DDR-266 RAM Intel 2.40B Ghz 533Mhz FSB Geforce FX 5500 256 MB graphic card Maxtor 80 GB 7200 rpm HDD I dont't know my PSU brand. Some cheap made-in china brand but i know its 480W. My case has a built in speaker but how can I hear sounds when my PC starts-up and shuts-down within 2 seconds?
  9. iamroot

    Please Help!

    I'm pretty sure it was my board cos previously, whenever i plugged in RAM into the 3rd slot, the whole com would be extremely unstable and crash every other minute. I also got a lot of other problems which i feel the most likely cause is the board. I dont think its my processor cos just earlier in the day, when i was still using my old board, the processor seemed fine. All my RAM is DDR 266 so there shouldnt be much of a problem there as well.
  10. iamroot

    Please Help!

    No beeps at all. Absoulutely nothing. It justs powers up and powers down a second later. My processor is compatible with the motherboard and im using the Intel stock fan so that should be fine too. I mounted the board on metal mount points. I also tried removing all my hardware cept for the processor and fan but the problem still persisted.
  11. iamroot

    New to linux looking for suggestions!

    Suse 9.2 is fine. You might want to try Fedora Core 3 as well. The first thing you should do is download and install APT-GET to solve all your installation woes. Have you installed the ATI drivers for your card. You won't get any gaming done with the default drivers.
  12. iamroot

    Can't get Call of Duty running

    Hmm. Now that's really weird. I've never heard of anyone with problems like the ones you're experiencing.
  13. iamroot

    Can't get Call of Duty running

    Haha. It's not the legitimatacy problem. WINE does not support copy-protection so you will need to get cracks for ALL the Windows software that u install using WINE, regardless pirated or legit. It's neccesary.. Actually, installing pirated software is easier cos the crack is already included inside the game cd, thus aving u the hassle of finding one of the net. If you need the crack, I can send it to you.
  14. iamroot

    Can't get Call of Duty running

    Did you install a crack? In any case, I'll try it out with the latest WINE version and I'll tell you how it turns out.
  15. iamroot

    Can't get Call of Duty running

    Why don't you try running the game as root? I know this sounds really lame but I had some problems when i was playing CoD as normal user which were all solved when i ran CoD as root. It's worth a try.
  16. iamroot

    Diablo 2 under linux

    Just type wine in the terminal as the user that you are gonna install D2. Wine will create a fake C drive in each of the user's home accounts.
  17. iamroot

    help with xorg.conf

    But if you use vesa, you wont get 3D acceleration and you wont get to use the full power of your graphic card. It's not a solution.
  18. iamroot

    Can't get Call of Duty running

    What graphic card are you using and have you isntalled the latest driver? I also installed CoD with loki installer and WINE some time back and it worked great for me. Exactly like it would be in Windows.
  19. iamroot

    Diablo 2 under linux

    Download WINE from www.winehq.org. Then run the installer.exe through WINE. From there, it should be pretty smooth-sailing from there. Diablo 2 works very well with WINE.
  20. Apart from Doom 3, the GNU/Linux gaming scene seems prety lacklustre. What's your opinion on the GNU/Linux gaming scene in the near future?
  21. iamroot

    Onboard audio

    What is the problem? Please be more specific.
  22. I intend to install and try out gnophone but one of the dependencies are libgtksuperwin.so so i downloaded the mozilla 1.2 rpm and used the rpmcpio command and extracted the file but now i have no idea at all where to place it in. Somebody help me?
  23. iamroot

    wanadoo bradband

    Are you using cable modem or DSL?
  24. iamroot

    debian gui

    type startx to start the X server. To make Debian boot into X by default, edit /etc/inittab and change init 3 to init 5
  25. iamroot


    How can i make the gdesklets daemon start up automatically at start-up instead of me having to start it manually everytime i start the com?