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Everything posted by iamroot

  1. iamroot

    AGP 8x card in $x slot

    I'm using a nvidia geforce 2 mx now but soon to change to a geforce FX 5500. Btw, is the Xfree86 graphic drivers in linux sufficient for playing games in linux or must i download the latest nvidia drivers?
  2. iamroot

    nvidia drivers

    I want to play 3D games on my linux box and im guessing that i need to install the latest nvidia drivers but i see that the installation of the drivers is quite difficult. Does anybody noe n easier way to install the drivers like perhaps an RPM or something?
  3. I'm preapring for a dual boot system with winxp and red hat 9.0. What measures will i have to take to prepare my system?
  4. iamroot

    Almost ready to move to Linux :-)

    I think as a replacement for msn messenger, aMSN is better. Anyway, there r excellent alternatives for almost any windows program . But i do have a problem with microsoft publisher. Anybody got any suggestions?
  5. iamroot

    Is LINUX the answer?

    Linux will definitely be more stable and safe than windows xp. Frankly, I've had horrible experiences with win xp. Personally, I prefer Red Hat Linux but its really up to you. Mandrake and SuSe are not bad as well. But a note of advice. If you intend to have a dual boot system with win xp/2000 and linux, dun try to access ntfs partitions from linux as it is dangerous. As for your applications, i don't think that those work on linux unless u use wine(sort of an emulator) but im sure you can find alternatives on the net.
  6. I ve been experiencing a helluva problems with my com and i suspect its because of my hard disk corrupted. Does anybody know how i can totally clean up my hard disk to its original state or any software that might do this?
  7. iamroot

    how to do a clean up of hard disk?

    Thanks a million.
  8. iamroot


    I ve heard so so much bout wine and winex but ive absolutely no idea how to install and use them. And i dun understand the instructions on the web site. Could any one help me?
  9. iamroot


    Is there any linux equivalent for MS Publisher? My sister requires it urgently and i can't find anything.
  10. iamroot

    preparation for dual boot system

    Is it true that if u use red hat 9.0, it will auto-mount any FAT 16 and FAT32 partitions but not NTFS partitions. Is it true?
  11. iamroot

    how to do a clean up of hard disk?

    I intend to wipeover and start again. Because i reinstall windows xp rather often and i just delete the partitions using the win xp install disc and i have heard that this causes fragments of windows files to be left over. Can u pls tell me where i can find the utility to wipe my hard disc? I'm using a Maxtor hard drive. I went to the maxtor web-site but couldn't find anything.
  12. iamroot


    I'm currently using rh 9 now and i wld like to trey out winex but i read somewhere that winex does not work with the red hat kernel. Is it true?
  13. iamroot

    preparation for dual boot system

    What kind of problems can occur with red hat and win xp. I have heard oif such issues but never personally experienced them b4.
  14. iamroot

    AGP 8x card in $x slot

    which is more important ? the memory of the graphics card or the model?
  15. iamroot


    I'm kinda new to the linux OS and i'm a hardcore gamer. Ive heard stuff abt winex and i wanna try it out but it seems i can only get it free from the "CVS tree". Could anyone tell me what this is?
  16. iamroot

    A novice to linux?

    I kinda agree with the part about linux not being easy to use. I think alot of linux users just noe how to work with gnome and kde. Accessing the shell and other stuff is another story. Btw, i onli have the 2 disc editon of rh 8.0 publisher's edition. What s on the other like 4 cds?
  17. I'm currently using winodws xp home and red hat 8.0. When i started using it was fine but later on, windows started getting all kinds of problems and in the end said my config.ini file was corrupted and asked me to repair my installation. Can some one help me out here if its my hard drive prob or anything else?
  18. My windows xp is on an ntfs partition, both my win xp and linux is on the same physical drive and i used red -hat's auto partition option. My system is custom - made.
  19. iamroot

    Track Ripper for linux

    Can anyone recommend me a good mp3 ripper for linux?
  20. iamroot

    printer problem

    I'm using red hat 8.0. When i checked, my canon bjc 3000 printer was recognizd under generic printer in open office. When i tried to print documents, the printing is like a dot matrix printer with extremely slow printout. Could someone please advise. Is it a driver issue or what?
  21. I'm using red hat linux 8.0 and i own a couple of mp3 players. Ive tried to plug in my players but nothing happens. Is there any way for me to enable linux to recognize my players or something like that?
  22. iamroot


    how about installing all? At least next time you will reduce the chace of circular dependencies when you install rpms.
  23. I'm using red hat 8.0 now and my sound card is working perfectly fine but when i insert a music cd i to my drive and the audio player pops up and starts, no sound come out. could any1 help me here?
  24. iamroot

    cd playing problems in red hat 8.0

    the cd mounts but when the cd player auto starts to play the disc, no sound comes out. aside from that , all else works fine.
  25. can any1 here tell me how do i install mozilla firefox in red hat 8.0. i'm a noob and the only way i know how to install apps in linux is through rpms.