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Posts posted by BluewookieJim

  1. It's not a virus.


    before I decided to reinstall I was able to boot into safe mode with networking under windows 2003, it was just right before the Ctrl-Alt-Del in normal mode that it would blue screen.


    When I tried reinstalling last night, a new installation on a fresh partition, I got into the graphical part of the installation, but before any of the 'choose your options' stuff came up is where it blue screened, probably while detecting the hardware/bios.


    I've read elsewhere about pressing F7 when the text mode of the installation is showing the "Press F6 for scsi controllers" part, but I have not seen it hit that part of the install.

  2. Hi all.


    I've been searching the forums here and didn't find anything that quite matched what I'm experiencing.


    I have an Asus P2B motherboard, Rev. 1.04, running the 1014 beta 003 Bios.


    The error I am getting is a blue screen, that reads something along these lines... "ACPI Bios not fully compatible with ACPI specifications..."


    I've had a dual boot setup on this machine for ages (win98/win 2000) on separate hard drives. Recently something happened that I am no longer able to boot normally into Win2000. I've been running these BIOS for at least 4 months.


    The first time I noticed this was earlier this week. I was able to boot using "last known good" and got back in, I saw something quickly install (like found new hardware dialog) and have not been able to get in since. I was able to get in through safe mode, but no matter what I changed I couldn't boot normally.


    I tried reinstalling, but I hit the same error early on in the GUI part of the install.


    Any help would be appreciated.
