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Posts posted by Grasshopper

  1. Ok, I added you onto my MSN buddy list (pbr2k2@hotmail.com). Hopefully I can find a way around this and get it working! smile


    Edit: Well, actually, I don't NEED to be using an FTP. What webserver programs do you recommend? I just need something that's easy to use... I just need to use it to host files on, so that I can give someone a link, they click it, and it downloads.

  2. Sorry if this isn't the right forum (I'm not really sure where I should put this). Anyhow, where we go...


    I'm trying to set-up an FTP server to run off my computer. I'm using Serv-U as my current FTP client, and it's working great. However, I'm having some trouble. It may be because I'm doing something that's impossible (I'm not sure).


    Right now, I've had a few people be able to connect to me and completely download a file (although, I'm not sure if they were using an FTP client, or using the links I have posted on my site).


    http://www.SLGinc.tk is my site. What I'm trying to do is be able to just give a link (like 'Click here'), and have it so that when you click on it, it downloads a file through my FTP server. Is that possible? If it is, why can nobody use the links I have posted on my site? Is there some setting I'm missing?


    Any help is GREATLY appreciated.



    Edit: Maybe I should be a little more descriptive of what's happening when people try to use one of the links. I quote:

    "Whenever I click on any of the N64 ROMs it looks like the browser is doing work but nothing happens. "


    "Same has been happening with me, but at the end I just get an action cancelled page."
