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Posts posted by PTS

  1. Last time I saw this there was a problem with an installed program that had added a menu option in the "right click" popup window. I uninstalled the program that was causing it and the error you are seeing went away.



    I know that Nvidia places some stuff in there.

  2. Hello!


    I have a Dell 8200 myself. I can tell that you are screwed as far that case. You will need a better and stronger powewr supply for your new setup anyway. Both the case and power supplies in Dell Computers are arranged and designed in such a way that you can not just go out and buy parts anywhere and do an upgrade, except mostly from Dell. Now I know where to buy power supplies that will fit Dell cases, but that does not help you with the Motherboard issue.



    You best bet is to go out and buy yourself a nice case that already has a hefty power supply in it. Then just use what parts you can from the Dell and transfer those to the new rig.

  3. Do you by any chance use Norton products? I have two identical machines here at my home. One is using Mcafee products, and the other, Norton. The Mcafee machine installed SP2 without any problems, but the other gave me the exact same problems you are seeing. When I got to the desktop that was missing the Icons and TaskBar, I simply Ctrl-Alt-Del and rebooted. After that it was also working fine.



    Mcafee and SP2 Rock. Norton Antivirus 2003 and SP2 suck big time.

  4. Hey munkiep,


    Here are a few pointers...


    Fresh install - Not a problem with this version of windows.


    Boots fine - Not a problem with windows again. Could be a RAM issue if it just so happens that the boot process is not using the bad portion of your RAM but your programs are. This is probably not your problem. An idea though.


    Lockups after booting - Usually caused by a hardware conflict, or a driver issue with some of your hardware. Video or Audio is usually the problem.


    Sometimes, on a newly built system, it is wise to check for BIOS updates.


    If you are a novice, eventviewer will seem like greek to you. Usually lockups will not allow the event to be logged because the computer froze right after the problem occured. Look anyway! If there is something there it should tell you if some file has conflicted with another file. You would then need to find out what that file is associated with.


    Lastly, if your motherboard chipset is anything other than Intel with an AMD processor, or it is something very current from Intel, you will need to see if your motherboard drivers need to be updated. The motherboard hardware information file would need to be installed. I've heard horror stories from people using VIA chipsets with Windows and they did not update the INF file and install any needed drivers.



    Good luck.

  5. Brian, You may as well give it up. I've been arguing with another group of idiots in another forum. The democrats are after blood and they will use anything, truth or not, to slander our President. Mr. Moore's crapumentary was filled with half truths and flat out lies about Mr. Bush. Everything that man claimes can be proven wrong if checked on. The democrats are not going to do that because they want to believe all of the garbage.


    And as far as the CIA goes. Our President has no choice but to rely on what he is told by our intelligence community. It would be suicide to not act on a warning from the CIA and FBI that states this country is in danger. And Mr. Bush didn't just go right to war with the first warning either. He met with leaders from other countries, two of which are obvious, Mr. Putin and Mr. Blair, and they confirmed that their own intelligence showed that Saddam has plans to attack the united states via terror networks.


    Now it is just plain ignorant to excuse the fact that Saddam is a danger to the free world and peace loving people. He has proven that time and time again. He was financing terror attacks on Israel. So since he hates America too, don't you think it wise to believe he would finance attacks elsewhere. It is just common sense people.


    Now why don't you lay your political party aside and use the god given gift you are supposed to have called a brain. Now, I am sorry to be so blunt, but I am fed up with it.

  6. Dude, I didn't say refreshing would fix it every time. There is, as you said, some weird happenings in IE that it can't or just does not always get all of the information for the file.


    One example I can give you is like this..


    My roommate and I visit the exact same web page using IE 6. He can save the file as a Jpeg, just as it should be, but I can only get it as a Bitmap. And this is no matter what I do to correct it. For some reason his IE gets the information correctly and mine does/did not. I don't understand that at all. The only difference in his computer and mine is the screen resolution.

  7. Did they look for hardware conflicts in device manager? Sometimes some motherboards and/or hardware devices can't or do not like to share IRQ's or interrupts. This is especially true with sharing the video card resourses with the audio card. If you have any card plugged into the first PCI slot next to the AGP then most likely you have a problem there. Bad RAM causes this too, but your RAM checks out. If you have an Audigy or Audigy 2 sound card this will happen without the absolute proper setup with your BIOS and motherboard.

  8. Well the only source I can give you is myself. I am a EV1 user, so, well this one is a given... Then I have written Mr. Fong and he verified what I have said.


    They do have a private server. But where he gets into trouble is when he lets even one person have access to this server, a server that is mentioned on all of their documentation as being available to the users, and then says you only need to abide by the rules/policies that are outlined for the newsgroups. He then does not follow those guidelines himself, but instead creates his own and blocks my access for no rreason at all.


    This is a form of discrimination at the very least. Not to mention the whole freedom of speech thing. The EV1 user that Mr. Fong is sour with suggested the KX Project drivers to someone and it got us all kicked. There is nothing in the Creative Labs guidelines that prohibits this, and it would not be legal for them to even do so. Legally You can only prohibit words that may offend or threaten another user. This is stated in their guidelines.


    I have already talked to my attorney about this, so I really do not want to argue the subject. Mr. Fong is in the wrong without a doubt, and I am asking all of you to help get this matter resolved by emailing Mr. Fong and Creative Labs.



  9. Harvey Fong, the moderator of the Creative Labs Newsgroups, is blocking access to the server from all EV1 (Everyone's Internet) users. His excuse is that one user from EV1 violated their policies. This, so called violation, was apparantly the fact that the user suggested to another that he use the KX Project drivers instead of Creatives to correct some probems that the Creative Labs drivers could not. This is not in any way a violation of policy. Mr. Fong needs to go back and read it again.


    Even if it were, Creative Labs should not have the right to punish many for the alleged "abuse" of one. If we stir up enough sh** in public opinion, I'm sure Mr. Fong will find a "better way" to deal with such as this.



    Please help by passing this information to all of the forums on various web sites.

  10. All of the sudden I can not get Freesapce 2 to load. It jumps back to the desktop after about one second and nothing happens. I checked the error log in the Freespace 2 folder and it says there was some sort of access violation in module....


    The only changes that have been made are Windows Update security patches, and I just loaded the latest Nvidia drivers for my Geforce 3.


    HELP! smile

  11. Well, I tried it again today, but this time I disabled EVERYTHING from loading at bootup. Same problem. When I click on anything from the start menu, a window pops up and says that "The specified path or file can not be found. Then is says something about maybe I do not have proper permissions" I can run ANY file/program if I open Explorer and go to the path/file and run it from there. The files are where they are supposed to be, but they can not be opened from a link of any kind. That is why my startup items do not load.


    This whole thing is REALLY pissing me off. This seems to be a really important update and I can't use the damn thing.




  12. Hello guys,


    What is so strange is there are a bunch of people that are "currently" reporting no problems at all.


    One guy had suggested some problem with my computer and my NTFS permission settings. I DON'T THINK SO.. If that were the case I would be having issues prior to installing that update. I appreciate the try though.. smile



    I'm kinda ticked, and just a tad worried at the same time, that this is working for so many, yet what seems to be a handfull it is screwing this up. I fear the worse for all in the coming days as it makes no sense that this patch doesn't screw up, a least a little, on everybody's computer.


    It seems there are some files that get replaced that do not only relate to windows but some more of my programs that most of those that are reporting problems are not running.


    For instance:


    KX Project Audio Drivers task bar Icon

    CPUIdle task bar Icon

    POPUP Stopper task bar Icon

    Pagoo Internet Answering Machine task bar Icon

    Norton Antivirus " "


    Windows itself loads fine, or it appears to. I'm really concerned those those that think everything is okay, it is actually not.



    Good Luck everybody.

  13. UPDATE!


    I just installed the IE6 patch again, but this time I did that one by itself. Once again after reboot my stuff was not loading. I was paying a bit more attention to the error messages that were poping up this time before going straight to panic stage and it said that I did not have some sort of permission to do what I was tring to do. I even got that error with System Restore before another reboot. This makes no sense.

  14. I noticed a patch for IE and one for DAC, so I downloaded them and rebooted. I noticed that nothing that usually loads at startup actually did so. Not even my Antivirus. Strange indeed! So I tried to load at least one of them post boot and I get some wierd error message about the file not being there, but it was.


    I did not do a system backup prior to this because I thought sure Microsoft had all of these screwups rectified. Little did I know I would get RECTALfied afterwards. Luckily Windows Update did a backup for me. So after a restore everything is back to normal. I do not know which of these two patches did this and I don't care. They will not be going back on my computer until someone can tell me what the heck is going on.


    Be careful guys..



  15. I noticed a patch for IE and one for DAC, so I downloaded them and rebooted. I noticed that nothing that usually loads at startup actually did so. Not even my Antivirus. Strange indeed! So I tried to load at least one of them post boot and I get some wierd error message about the file not being there, but it was.


    I did not do a system backup prior to this because I thought sure Microsoft had all of these screwups rectified. Little did I know I would get RECTALfied afterwards. Luckily Windows Update did a backup for me. So after a restore everything is back to normal. I do not know which of these two patches did this and I don't care. They will not be going back on my computer until someone can tell me what the hell is going on.


    Be careful guys..



  16. I was visiting a local computer store a few days ago. They had a Sony VAIO on display, but the screensaver was on and it was password protected. Now I really wanted to check this machine out, and I already knew it had Windows XP on it.


    So............. I stopped and thought.. How can I get around this password.

    It was really scary as to how easy it was to circumvent XP.


    I manually rebooted the machine and went into safe mode. Now I could access all the files on the machine from there, and as if that was not enough on a machine that is supposed to be secure by having to log in with a password when WXP loads, I could actually create another account and give it administrator privileges.


    Once I had this new account set up, I just rebooted again. This time I could simply log in with that account and have not only access to all files but complete administrator privileges. How secure is that? I have not tried this on my machine at home. I have my logins password protected.. one with administrator privileges and one without. I THOUGHT that anyone would have to know those passwords to gain access to anything. Wrong!


    Just wondering what you all think...



  17. This is just "off the cuff",


    But I have read reports from other Audigy users that somehow the firmware on the Audigy screws up something on the Motherboard.

    Creative Labs has even confirmed this to be an issue in some cases for some people.


    Other than that...


    Lightning Strike/Power Surge?

    Bad Ram?


    This is not likely a virus issue.


    Good luck with this buddy.

  18. They are amazing.. I ran DXDIAG first thing. You would not believe how fast everything moves in the graphics tests.


    I then tried some games. I'm playing ALICE at 1600x1200 and getting 100 fps. That is impressive, but I really was blown away by DXDIAG.



    Windows XP

    2GHz Intel P4

    768 Megs Rambus Ram

    Geforce 3
