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Everything posted by gfolkert

  1. gfolkert

    Narrowing Down My Choice For Linux

    If you like RedHat... You'll love... Mandrake... Only thing, I'd wait a couple of weeks as both Distros are about to increment... Redhat to 8.1, Mandrake to 9.1 RedHat and Mandrake are both RPM based Distributions. Either are very good. For when you get really serious... Try Debian... it's all about the maintenance, and changing of purpose ability without ever re-loading the OS.
  2. try the 8139too module. It should load mii also. Then you should be able to do an IFCONFIG.
  3. gfolkert

    Which is the best distro for a workstation

    Debian... is NOT for the proverbial Newbies.... Or people that THINK they know whta is going on... Try KNOPPIX first... From CD... If you REALLY like it... do a "knx-hdinstall" and go from there. It will install a fully capable Linux install and make it so everything works (cept maybe networking, you may have to re-configure it...) Other than that use have to select a task from Debian with "base-config" You then have to learn the "apt-get" commands and how to use them.
  4. gfolkert

    RedHat 8.0 or wait for 8.1

    Quote: I'm Downloading KNOPPIX now to try. I'll look into Debian. Debian is the INSTALL once, upgrade forever, whenever you want to distribution... Woody (3.0r1) is Stable... Bug/Security fixes only... Sarge (no version number) is Testing... it will become the Next Stable.. more than likely v3.1 Testing is Very Nice, very good... About as Stable as a RedHat or Mandrake RELEASE. Then there is Sid (Unstable) ... it is... and breaks itself regularly... Then we get to Experimental ... nothing even should work for long on it... usually Upstream developers run a combo of Testing/Unstable/Experimental. It is all about Quality Control and Testing... POLICY makes that happen. KNOPPIX v3.1beta (release 2003-1-20-EN) has what I term "SuperHuman Hardware Detection"... If linux supports it... typically KNOPPIX does too... Doesn't run an experimental Kernel (2.5.x) but is a combo of Stable, Testing, Unstable and a mish0mash of other custom written software. There is even an installation routine called knx-hdinstall. I use KNOPPIX for all of my hardware detection. Debian Woody for my installations... Awesome pair there. Plus Debian runs on nearly any hardware you have (iX86, IA-32, IA-64, PowerPC, 68XXX, Sparc, PA-RISC, Alpha, SuperH, HURD, MIPS, MIPS-EL, S390, and so on... Debian the Non-Dicriminatory Linux... where every platform is important.
  5. gfolkert

    RedHat 8.0 or wait for 8.1

    Get KNOPPIX to Play... Then when you are serious... Load Debian... and never install again. There is a serious world of Debian Nobpdy even knows about.
  6. gfolkert

    Compaq Presario display problem

    Compaq Presario 1500AP(470036-808) specifications and warranty Now if it is there are some specific problems with the ATI Mobility chipset in the thing. I have a good idea as to how you can fix it... Download, compile and install an updated version of XFree86. 4.3.0 was just released on Feb 27th, it has direct support for the Video Card. But v4.2.1 also works but un-accelerated. Part of the reason for this, is that MOST manufacturers don't have a clue as how to release drivers for Linux. Linux Developers cannot get source to develope them for linux... mainly due to Non-Disclosure Agreements... ATI is just one of those companies. Get the Newer Version of SuSE, I believe it works, as Well as the Release Candidate for Mandrake 9.1. You might also try Debian Woody, but also use KNOPPIX v3.1 (2003-01-20) it has SuperKeen Hardware Detection... So you may get the needed settings from it. I know, you say WHY should I use Linux when it just works in Windows... If you continue to Use Windows and don't DEMAND support for the OS of your choice... you are part of the problem... BTW, I am not attacking you... I am just attacking the SAYING.... sorry it was you that got the Word... Just alot of people read these and need to understand, manufacturers will only DO what need to to SELL product... If that MEANS supporting ONLY Windows... That's what they'll do. If they lose market share due to NON-SUPPORT of the "Better, but less prevalent OS" then they will notice it... and change.
  7. gfolkert


    Make sure you have IPTABLES setup properly... Then change interfaces = eth* to interfaces = eth1 (or your private side interface) It is probably the IPTABLES block those ports... IPTABLES can be sticky that way. Take a lookey at THIS IPTABLES SCRIPT It should help you out quite a bit. Edit to fit your environment. The Private interface is trusted so SAMBA should work just fine. On the Private interface.
  8. gfolkert

    wha tis; the best linux?

    ...what you want. They are all GREAT. I use: RedHat, Gentoo, LFS, Mandrake, Debian, Slackware, KNOPPIX, SuSE, Lycoris, Lindows, Xandros... others. All depends on what you want.
  9. gfolkert


    Here is my smb.conf Code: [root@paladin samba]# cat smb.conf# Samba config file created using SWAT# from duke.nunya.net ( Date: 2002/12/21 23:11:11# Global parameters[global] workgroup = NUNYA netbios name = PALADIN server string = paladin encrypt passwords = Yes passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u passwd chat = *New*password* %n\n *Retype*new*password* %n\n *passwd:*all*authentication*tokens*updated*successfully* unix password sync = Yes log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log max log size = 0 name resolve order = host wins lmhosts bcast time server = Yes deadtime = 15 socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192 os level = 83 preferred master = True dns proxy = No wins support = Yes printing = lprng[homes] comment = Home Directories valid users = %S read only = No create mask = 0664 directory mask = 0775[printers] comment = All Printers path = /var/spool/samba printable = Yes browseable = Yes[public] comment = Read-Only Files path = /usr/local/public/ftp/pub/ guest ok = Yes[grp] comment = Group File Sharing path = /usr/local/public/grp read only = No[app] comment = Applications Volume path = /usr/local/public/app read only = No[dev] comment = Applications Volume path = /usr/local/public/dev read only = No[root@paladin samba]# This is an extremely FAST, EXTREMELY HUGE machine, only has ~2TB of Drive space in it... only about 3GB of RAM. I use an LDAP server to do global auth, I use SAMBA(CIFS) sharing, FTP sharing, NFS sharing, WebDAV sharing, among other things. All of my printers are Networked printers, hooked up via either using SMB printing or LPRng. Hopefully you can see where your problems exists. As this one is working flawlessly. Also, have all of your Windows machines add your SAMBA server as a WINS server(under advanced properties of TCP/IP in W2K and XPP. Under WINS in 95/98/ME)... You should be able to see thing poroperly. BTW, I am using a combo of Win98/WinME/WinNT4/Win2K/WinXPP on all of my workstations. We have yet to see a need to force Windows Xtra Pain on EVERYONE yet.
  10. gfolkert

    What is the kernel?

    LINUX. Everything else is the DISTROBUTION PART..(RedHat, Slackware, Debian, Gentoo, Mandrake, LFS...) Kernel for WIN32 (95.98/me..etc) = C:\windows\KERNEL* and other pieces. For RedHat Linux = /boot/vmlinuz-* (star being the version number) For RedHat 7.1 without any Patching done, you are (should) be running 2.4.2-something. Currently I am using 2.4.20-5 for Debian Linux. And you are running it... without the Kernel you have NOTHING. You really need to look at THIS WEBPAGE ON REDHAT ERRATA...
  11. gfolkert

    SWAT help

    If windows, just remove that entry for yoiur cache. Mozilla? Manage the host stuff in the PSM.
  12. gfolkert

    samba write permission problem

    Use the Samba Web Administration Tool. It rocks. It should help you finger out the problem. There is extensive HELP... But, the surest thing I can tell you, if the directory is not owned or made writable to the username you are using through through UNIX... well that'd be yur prob. If the Directory is owned by root and grouped root, has perm -rwxrwx---, you'll never write to it. You have to rememebr SAMBA is ON TOP of UNIX security, SAMBA follows the rules just like any other application.
  13. gfolkert

    Software probems

    Microsoft applications are designed to work in Windows. With a program called WINE, you can get some MICROSOFT applications to install on and run in Linux. Microsoft has repeatedly made changes to application APIs so as not to allow them to run on anything EXCEPT windows. With Wine, you should be able to get alot of Microsoft products to run, but you have to make sure you do not ruin your current Win98 installation. I have gotten many Windows Applications to run using Wine and a Commercial version Wine-X. Please remember, Microsoft Does not and Will not allow It's trademarks to be use in the "Linux market"... there for we have to use other names. For Microsoft Word/Excel/PowerPoint use OpenOffice.org. For Access use MySQL or PostgresQL. For a Browser, use Mozilla or Galeon. For e-mail use Evolution. There are many Games that have Native Linux ports to them, UT, UT2K3, Quake3 are just a couple.
  14. gfolkert

    where is the net thingy?

    Windows is a Microsoft product. Internet Explorer is a Microsoft application. Get RedHat Linux v8.0 if you must use RedHat. You can use: Mozilla, Galeon, Phoenix, Konqueror, Lynx, Links, Curl, W3M, Dillo, Amaya... there many others... Please understand Microsoft is Mirosoft, Linux IS NOT Microsoft...
  15. gfolkert

    Where is outlook express?

    There are about 500 or so... For the very basic there plain old "mail" very difficult for UNIX newbie. Pine, is a very good mail client for text mode. For KDE there is K-Mail. For GNOME/Ximian there is Evolution. These are only 4 of the many e-mail solutions available for "free". And BTW, this is a Volunteer site for answering questions. Your impatience has really gotten you no-where. As this was the first today I was able to even browse the Internet. Yet, I still gave you the answer, even though you were very rude. Remember the GOOGLE is your friend...
  16. gfolkert

    Who can teach me about ipchains?

    IPTABLES... much more flexible, easier to understand and we can see a good script: A link to a script that should be understandable... Now you can see from that, you can modify it to your hearts content. That is a REALLY good script has worked for hundreds of people. Just read it. Save the text of the "monospace" font to a file called homeipt.sh, make it executable (chmod +x homeipt.sh) First do a Code: service ipchains stop Then a Code: modprobe -r ipchains then run script... I called it "homeipt.sh" and put it into /etc/rc.d/ using Code: pico /etc/rc.d/rc.local and add Code: /etc/rc.d/homeipt.sh at the bottom of that. once you do that, do a Code: service iptables save It'll save the default config.... and keep them so the firewall is up before the networking, then at the end of init... it'll run and get the routing setup properly too... Check it out... it is commented, modify to do you well... Now to PORT re-direction of a specific port to the same port on a private IP addr... well that is beyond that script. Restart your machine and it should be good. If you want a script generated for you. look no further... This is your answer! Just follow the instructions.
  17. gfolkert


  18. gfolkert

    Why XFT eats so many mem?

    If it is being referenced... on screen or in the rendering engine for "X" then yes is has to load the whole thing... There is no partial caching of the info for a particiular font. Look at it this way, Let's say you want to run the dreaded Microsoft word... which is a huge pig for memory. But you only want to use it for text editing... and saving to ASCII. You get the WHOLE thing... not just the TEXT editing part. So, needless to say, it does read the whole file... it has to be ready to encode to the Rendering engine all the info *ANY* character in the font... even if you NEVER display but one character. Hope this helps! If not, questions posted publically will be answered... private messages will be ignored.
  19. gfolkert

    Why XFT eats so many mem?

    As to what your program actually does... I am guessing you are displaying all your fonts you have installed.... Okay, guess what XFT only uses what it needs to cache the rendering info it needs to render the fonts in your program... each font requires a certain amount... so if you were showing *ALL* the fonts... then *ALL* the currently in use fonts are cached... And, BTW, I have ~2000 fonts installed on my mahcine... for publishing and such. A wide array, PS Type1 and TT Fonts combined... if I were to Display all the fonts at the same time... well, XFT would take ~260MB... Hope this helps...
  20. gfolkert

    Maxtor Fireball 3 hard disk

    No really, when IDE0 is starting to time out and being reset every 20-30 seconds... I'd backup yur crud and RMA that puppy... in a heart beat. Linux handles Disk failure alot better than Windows in the regard. If you have Dual booted Linux and Windows... Windows will take a dump too... when it really goes. Linux just tells you about it more often and more informatively... All, in all, RMA that Drive before the Warranty from Maxtor runs out on it....
  21. gfolkert

    Best Linux Distribution

    It's all in the Maintenance... Might be a Biotch to get setup sometimes (use KNOPPIX first to detect hardware) Then apt-get install <package of your choice> That simple. To "update" the machine apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade No-re-installs ever needed on the machine... if you want ot change it from a Workstation for developers to a server... it just a matter of selecting the "template" for it. ANd a Good internet Connection...
  22. gfolkert

    soundcard in linux 8

    So your guess is as good as mine...
  23. 8139too That should do it just fine. Module had to be broken up as it was very hard to supprt all the 8139 chipsets with one module. Code: modprobe 8139toonetconfig That should be good for you...
  24. gfolkert

    linux 8 firewall

    Some of the tools provided by RedHat, then you have to understand... it does not show the *CURRENT* level when first opened. It defaults to high. It does make the changes. What you can do, is save it as high and look at the file "/etc/sysconfig/iptables" and notice what it says and looks like... Now, save it as what you want, and lokk the the file again see that it changes. This is what you want. Other than that welcome to the ever expanding world. BTW, I replied to your other posting as well...
  25. gfolkert

    soundcard in linux 8

    Unfortunately the Gigabyte GA-7VAXP is a TAD bit to new, for the sound card to be recognized properly. You only have Partial support with the current Kernel. The Kernel you need to run AT THE MOMENT is in the TESTING version of the Kernel. But you being realatively new to Linux, I'd shy away from that. It's apity. I have the same Motherboard and I have dealing with linux for ~10 years and I am running the testing kernel now on it... it works fine except you have to update probably 35 packages (from source code) to get the things to work. Now, if you wan't to wait a bit and then update your RedHat to 8.1 (which will/should have support for the chipset of you motherboard) when it becomes available that is fine. This whole problem revolves around vendors not wanting to develope drivers/modules for linux, they find it an annoyance... some are better than others (nVidia for instance is great about it) whereas some don't even allow you to "reverse" the binaries to deduce how to suppoort it in Linux.