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Everything posted by DS3Circuit

  1. Interesting setup ... Since an in your place upgrade is almost ALWAYS be out of the question, I would concur with your suggestion in promoting your ISA server to a DC (temporarily, as this maybe a security risk; depending if you are leaving AD out in the DMZ). Move the FSMO and GC role from the cluster to the ISA box. Rebuild the cluster as either A/A or A/P. Promote the server as a DC. Move the roles all back from the ISA box. Demote the ISA box. I dont see a need to format it down. --------------------------------------- Things to consider: Have you gotten Exchange2003 as it is only supported on Win2K3. Will you be moving mailboxes as well? How will you migrate the printers? Will your version of SQL server run in Win2k3? Are the classroom machines going to be able to log into the new domain? Downlevel clients need the latest DSclient from MS .... build 2900.5 IIRC And thats the tip of the iceberg. --------------------------------------- My suggestion would be to completely remove the idea of a cluster. And start breaking up the Application Servers. I myself work fulltime for an educational institution, and have never seen a need for such redundancy as in a 24/7 DB operation. You have quite a bit of reading ahead of you and perhaps hiring a consultant. Good luck in your migration. The more details you post here, the more I and the other messageboard members can give help.
  2. Minimal overhead added to AD by publishing printers. I never had issues migrating print servers .... 5 times in the last 2 years http://www.jsiinc.com/SUBF/TIP2600/rh2647.htm http://www.winnetmag.com/Article/ArticleID/15355/15355.html
  3. DS3Circuit

    Remote desktop thru ics

    http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=187623 As per the above article, On server 2 change the port that TS listens on, and change the way the client will check for that port. Side notes include the Terminal Server ActiveX client listens on TCP port 3389 and cannot be changed. You must restart the Terminal Server before the new listening port becomes active. Now the only thing is that I dont believe that ICS utilitizes port forwarding (???? never worked with it). If that is the case, just setup RRAS and use NAT.
  4. DS3Circuit

    Removing detonator drivers

    Add Remove is a good place to start. This is a good "catch all" http://www.pcreview.co.uk/printthread.php?threadid=972 HTH
  5. DS3Circuit

    embedding drivers to xp install cd

    http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treevie...bc_cai_rzfk.asp Note: Quote: To access that SCSI controller during text mode, the [MassStorageDrivers] section of the answer file must be modified with the appropriate device driver entries. This will help with your CD building. http://berns.cae.wisc.edu/pages/wincdman.asp
  6. DS3Circuit

    IP Address Not release after expiration

    http://www.jsiinc.com/SUBG/TIP3300/rh3312.htm As an after thought. We can't do much more without you supplying your configs. 8)
  7. DS3Circuit

    file properties

    http://www.lanet.lv/ftp/simtelnet/win3/diskutl/fdtstmp5.zip This works well.
  8. DS3Circuit

    IP Address Not release after expiration

    1. Event log errors? warnings? 2. Are leases returned when the client is forced to remove its lease .... ipconfig /releaseall 3. Quote: We have a DHCP server so that is what OS and servicepack level?
  9. DS3Circuit

    Migrate settings

    http://www.ntcompatible.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=26091 lol looks like mezron read my mind in the other thread
  10. DS3Circuit

    Migrate settings

    The User State Migration Tool (USMT) copies user settings, files, and documents. Then you restore these settings on the new machine so users do not have to reconfigure their desktop settings. It works best for XP and Windows 2000 Professional clients and you do need the client machine to be connected to a domain controller. There are two command line utilities scanstate and loadstate that control the procedure. Check your local resource kit http://www.winnetmag.com/Windows/Article/ArticleID/22242/22242.html I realize the above link is older than XP/2003 but the product has gone through the necessary upgrades. Then again there is always this option ... built into XP http://techrepublic.com.com/5100-6313-1060826.html (though it will not backup passwords) One more link for ya ... a freeware app http://www.freewarepro.com/info.php?categoryid=79&fileid=461 Hope one of my solutions will help you
  11. DS3Circuit

    OpenGL for XP

    the default drivers that come with xp for nvidia and ati cards dont come with open gl support (very broad generialization)
  12. DS3Circuit

    I can tfind the compatibility tab

    Download it http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2003/compatible/appcompat.mspx http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;294895
  13. DS3Circuit

    windows media player 7.1 in win2k...

    If the uninstaller got hosed you can always restore from backup ...... Any reason why you dont want 7.1 on your system? Have you tried upgrading to 9? If you have SP4 you can set another default media player.
  14. DS3Circuit

    Outlook 2000 and WinNT 4 server

    PST is a flat file architecture and is inapropriate for what you are asking. Exchange .... Domino .... Groupwise would be better choices.
  15. DS3Circuit

    windows version

    Powertoys has this under the GENERAL tab. Here is the manual way. http://www.winguides.com/registry/display.php/539/
  16. DS3Circuit

    outlook 2002 backup

    I dont believe PSTs include your outlook rules for filtering email, etc. You may have to export your rules under TOOLS \ RULES WIZARD. Just tossing that in, incase you have them running.
  17. http://www.memtest86.com/
  18. DS3Circuit

    WinNT Server and broadband problem

    Well if you can ping other machines on this subnet 1) Its either the default gateway on the nt server or its dns entries. Those properties can be changed in the network applet in the control panel. 2) Or make its nic received dhcp leases.
  19. DS3Circuit

    WinNT Server and broadband problem

    Just a question or 2 Are you clients using DHCP to receive the proper addressing or is it static based? If it is DHCP, is it the server or the router providing the service? Can you ping the router and/or the other clients from the NT Server? Can you ping the Server itself (localhost) ? Have you played with the network card settings in the control panel? My god, its been a while since I played with NT4 Get back to us
  20. DS3Circuit

    configure outlook profile

    Scripts no, but other has done this http://x220.minasi.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1606 Applications yes http://www.autoprof.com/ HTH
  21. DS3Circuit

    sync with desktop?

    Good call felix http://www.tgrmn.com/ The freeware version is what I have been using.
  22. DS3Circuit

    Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam!

    If possible, Outlook 2003 has a greatly improved mail filter. Several of my external users use this app. http://www.panicware.com/product_spamwasher.html
  23. DS3Circuit

    Schedule nightly reboot?

    http://www.leinensoft.com/software/command.htm You could always schedule one of these apps. Whats the reason for this request? You may also have to disable the "modififed" 2003 shutdown screen with a GPO.
  24. DS3Circuit

    Export a user?

    Good to know, thanks for the info We have just started our 2003 migration, so I am sure that will be used along the way
  25. DS3Circuit

    Export a user?

    Correct, the machine will need to be added back to the domain as the GUID has changed. Clutch basically nailed it on the head If I am mistaken or if there is some third party utility to bypass this, let me know.