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Posts posted by Average

  1. Hopefully this will be my last post as hopefully my problem has been resolved. Broke down and bought Xp for myself for xmas and put it in, kind of fruity looking . Put quake up to high quality and 32 bit just finished playing 16 matches and no problems with nice graphics. Crossing my fingers on this one after about a year of having to fart around with 98 and Me. chow pat

  2. Have been playing all week with no problems so I decided to raise the graphics level in quake3 from the lowest to the highest including changing from 16 bit to 32 bit. After 4 minutes the screen went very light and a quake has caused error in Kernell 32.dll . I closed this window down and exited the game and went to the desktop which was now also very light and blurry. I decided to go back into the game to see what would happen and it started up ok with the graphics being ok but after 2 minutes the game froze. I have seen this Kernell32 file pop up in my problem log before but never knew what it was. My assumption is that my video card in 32 bit and windows Me do not get along same I think happened in 98 when I had that. More I think about what has happened in the past makes sense. Question is it a flaw in the card or something that just is. Seems crappy to have an expensive card and not be able to use it up to it's fullest potential. Thanks in advance for all replies. Season's greetings to all ,have been shoveling snow the last 3 days so it will be a white christmas here in Manitoba after all.

  3. Tried test it passed, everything is in place and running cool. Lowered all the video settings in quake to lowest seemed to work much better, only froze up once so a marked improvement. Also went into bios and put all sections relating to memmory on automatic rather than a specific setting.

    My bios is not being saved just put in a new battery last week hopefully it is just a bad battery the other never even lastest a year. Another weird thing is when I download off the internet the item appears on my desktop in pure black. I am thinking my video card has something weird happening to it since I can not take advantage of it in higher settings or Quake 3 doesn't allow for some of it's features which is causing a conflict.

    I know when I spectate I can do it all day but when I actually play the problems start, maybe bad memmory on the card? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

  4. Tested memmory with program was ok, everything is plugged in ok and running cool. Lowered settings in quake3 seems to work better haven't tried it for any length of time but some glimer of hope. System doesn't retain it's bios settings since getting it back boots up and goes into bios. Popped out battery which I just changed last week cleared it with a jumper then removed and put back in battery still the same. Weird when I download files to desktop they are in solid black. This is starting to make me believe something is up with the video card.

  5. ;( Just got back from the repair shop where they took a look at it. Really didn't do anything to it as it passed all the test. Fellow said he had it going for 3 hours no probs. Knew it was too good to believe, when I got home not even 3 minutes in freeze city once again. Asus finally emailed me back after another try at them for info ,said in broken English no use Me use 98. ME no good for games they said, the reply came from Shanghai.

    Think I might invest in Xp for home what do you think? regards pat

  6. Really appreciate your efforts nice to see people willing to spend the time to give someone else a hand. Will let you know what happens probably won't buy Ati anytime soon either, so much for supporting national brands.

    Will buy a premade system that has been tested and let them have all this fun.


    cheers Pat

  7. Unfortunately same results, downloaded the new UT 2003 locked up in there as well after about 4 minutes. Downloads Mad Onion Mark program went through it ,graphics looked sweet . May have be too short a program to cause anything but wanted to see what would happen. Will be taking the system in next week to have it looked at since this is too much. Cross my fingers it is a system problem and that this nightmare will end. Had a high opinion of Asus at one time but due to the fact they didn't answer my email makes me leary of ever buying any more of their products.

  8. :x Have an asus a7v266e board with 256 ddr ram, radeon 7500 video card, 300 watt power supply. When playing Quake 3 whether in single mode or on the internet it will sometimes frown freeze up. In freezing the picture remains the same and the music cycles. Have tried disabling the onboard sound and putting in a sound blaster as well using a friends radeon 7000 to see if that is the problem. Problem is intermittent so it is very frustrating some times I can go for 1 minute or sometimes 15 minutes and somtimes nothing happens which is rare. I really don't use the computer for anything taxing to find out if any thing else locks it. Have messed around a bit in the bios setting it to default helps a bit but weird things such as my icons being black happen even after I have fixed the setting in the bios. The processor by the way is a xp1600, would be nice if there was a bios setup for me to see that works with my combo or suggestions. I am starting to get the feeling it is the memmory or a laggy harddrive since it wants to install a mass storage device if you try loading

    any info for the ata100. Starting to think this was not the board to buy too many hours farting around with this to mention. frown
