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Everything posted by Nick601

  1. Nick601

    Dark TFT problem....

    holy cr*p ill get on to it!! thanks for you help 8)
  2. Nick601

    4 in 1 drivers for motherboard model K7S5A...

    thanks for your replies i cannot see any VIA things in device manager so where would i go for the latest SIS drivers??? i have already downloaded an updated AGP driver but maybe i need something else? the website i got the AGP driver from only has modem and sound drivers etc which i do not use
  3. Nick601

    C&C Generals Problems...

    ok thanks a few things though how do i know which 4in one drivers i need and also how are they installed?? is it like flashing the bios??? sorry i have never done this before thats all i have a K7S5A motherboard which support AMD Athlon XP processors
  4. Nick601

    C&C Generals Problems...

    ok i have installed the latest patch 1.3 and i was playing it last night and it didnt hang once, i think i have the latest drivers on my system for my card, would the soundcard have anything to do with it??? how about the jumpy video?? would direct X 9 Beta make it any better?? hopefully i can upgrade to a 128Mb Geforce 4 soon hehe!
  5. I have a Samsung GT6000 series laptop it is a 400MHz pentium II and has 256MB of ram i have managed to install Windows XP sucessfully on it before but everytime i shut the computer down it crashed. i am now trying to install Xagain and it cannot boot from the XP disk so i have to install windows 98 first then upgrade to XP once it has finished copying the XP startup files (Preparing directory) it reboots the computer, it then goes to a black screen where it stays there with the hard disk light stuck on and i have to reboot it again and thats as far as i can get! HELP!
  6. Nick601

    Laptop XP Problem

    ok i have resorted to going back to an old version of the bios, the oldest one that was on the samsung site. my memory problems hav disappeared and im installing XP now but im not holding out much hope if im honest!! thanks for all your help Nick
  7. Nick601

    XP Restarts Without Warning

    SP3 and not the latest bios version, im not into flashing bios's at the moment after whats happening with my laptop LOL!!
  8. Nick601

    Laptop XP Problem

    ok im not suer where to find the default settings in this bios, its a phoenix bios is there a shortcut key to press?? also wheres the old bios???
  9. Nick601

    Laptop XP Problem

    yeah for a start its a laptop, i only have one and therefore cannot test it on anyother machine i ran the memtest and all 256mb ram had an error on it - but like i said i have had this memory running successfully before its only since the bios was flashed that the error was occuring when the POST boot takes place (when the laptop is turned on) the following error occurs 0232 extended ram failed at offset: 1B
  10. Nick601

    Laptop XP Problem

    right the memory is compatible with the laptop i have had XP WORKING on my laptop before apart from it crashed on shutdown everytime i have had 98, ME working on my laptopn with the new memory installled i want to go back to XP i have flashed the bios, now i am getting extended memory problems before the windows 98 and ME setup begins to the decription of stack dumps, KERNAL Errors and not enough free memory to run this applivcation!! i basically cannot install any operating system on my laptopn at this time i really need help!!!
  11. Nick601

    Laptop XP Problem

    ok i basically have not got enough memory to run the windows setup program 8) and im also getting invalid stak dumps and KERNAL erros i am in deep sh1t here!!
  12. Nick601

    Laptop XP Problem

    lol your not the only one i still have a problem when the laptop starts up now i get an error that says: ERROR 0232: Extended RAM Failed at offset: 1B If it makes any sense i have upgraded the memory from 128Mb to 256Mb i now cannot load ANY operating system (Windows 98) being the main one HEEEELPP!!!!
  13. Nick601

    Laptop XP Problem

    ok success!! i am getting an extended memory error when the computer boots now but the bioos has been flashed sucessfully
  14. Nick601

    XP Restarts Without Warning

    i have the same problem with windows 2000 again new power supply, i also have 2 blowhole fans on the top of my case, and 2 induction fans running all the time and it keeps restarting like radioactive frog has described
  15. Nick601

    Laptop XP Problem

    ok i have managed to open up the confog.sys file in dos but cannot find any referance to the device a:\ himem i made the boot disk from windows ME anything else i can do!!??
  16. Nick601

    Laptop XP Problem

    ok ill try that only one problem is that i have no operating system on it now is it still possible to do that?
  17. Nick601

    Laptop XP Problem

    its just all code and stuff, nothing english!! i have been trying to get this to work all day and i cant get it to work!!
  18. Nick601

    Laptop XP Problem

    ok i cant flash the bios cause it says the following Cannot flash when memory managers (e.g. HIMEM) are present Press any key to exit i assume i have to disable the himem but how??
  19. Nick601

    Laptop XP Problem

    ok i have got an error it says cannot flash when memory managers (e.g HIMEM) are present press any key to exit i assume i have to turn off the memory manager? how do i do that??
  20. Nick601

    Laptop XP Problem

    ok so i can delete all the other files that windows puts on the floppy? ill give it a go! lets hope it works!! thanks again for your help
  21. Nick601

    Laptop XP Problem

    hey! thanks for the link, however i do have a problem, i have currently got windows ME on my laptop, i have created a bootable floopy disk (1.44Mb) but i cannot fit the bios.rom file and the splash file on the same disk, do these files have to be on the disk you are booting from or can i put them on a seperate floppy? thanks again
  22. Nick601

    Laptop XP Problem

    ok well i hope it works but i have NEVER upgraded a bios before how do i do it and how do i go about doing it?? thanks for you help so far by the way
  23. Nick601

    Laptop XP Problem

    the bios has not been upgraded at all as far as i know, the problem is that i have actually had XP running on this laptop in the past just that it crashed when shuttinh down i have also tried to install win2k and that failed and crashed on the install so im not sure whats wring with it! When XP crashed the screen went black as it went into powersaving mode do you think it has something to do with powersaving??? or is it just crashing!!?
  24. Nick601

    WinDVD Create Overlay Failed - Again!!

    it could be - to be honest i havent used Netmeeting much so im not really sure about how it works, basically all i know is that everytime i use it it crashes on me which obviously results in the program not shutting down properly - anyway all fixed now
  25. Nick601

    WinDVD Create Overlay Failed - Again!!

    ok i fixed it!! i solved it by opening up netmeeting and closing it again as sometimes if netmeeting crashes it does not shut down some direct X elements properly or something!