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Posts posted by rikardo

  1. Hi there!


    I have practicly same system as you (never found one so similar until now):


    A7N8X Deluxe 2.0

    2500+ Barton w/ Akasa Carnival

    512 x2 Twinmos 400Mhz(3200) DUAL

    GForce4 Ti 4200 OC@ 300,Core\570,Mem

    120Gb SATA + 40Gb Ide



    Temps @ 30º room temp, hey it's summer here and is really hot winkwinkwink --> 40ºC cpu

    32ºC mobo


    My scores (new drivers-61.77)in 3dmark 2001: 12400; 3d mark 2003: 1860.



    I've tryed,since i bought this system one year ago, to overclock it to is max and encountered a lot of obstacles in my way. had it at 3200+ (400 fsb) mult. 11x , and back to 2800+ (333 fsb) x12.5 and now i finaly got it run 3200+ (400 fsb - 2200Mhz) x11 stable. my problem was the memory! If you have to sticks of mem they must be exactly same type and brand. otherwise it's probable that you'll get problems..

    All my setting in bios are default except fsb 200 mhz and cpu voltage a got up by 0.25v. I got it at 6.75v. My mem setting are 6,3,3,2T and AUTO But the wierdest thing i found in the lots of overclocking tests i've made,is that i think the board "gets used" to the timings you leave her at [till some point of course wink ] I mean if you change, for example FSB from 166 to 180, dont just expect to get it work all along even if in a remote time you got it work at 200 fsb! I think you have to INSIST, doing tests let it crash sometimes,change "little" settings in bios, I mean: don't be radical and change from 166 to 200 all the way! Go one by one. you have to be pacient if you really want to overclock your system.

    If I can of course I would like to overclock a bit more,and with time I will try..Let's see..

    Hope to ear some ideias to get the best performance out of a system like this! It rocks nice smile


    What do you think about this? Anyone have the same ideias? Hope to hear something soon, thanks ,keep in touch!


    Well this is just my opinion hope it helps someone...

    Sorry my English i'm from Portugal :P


    Regards, RicK
