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Posts posted by pcdoctor

  1. Quote:
    Where do you think we would be in the world of computers if both hardware manufacturers and software houses's had always thought "Oh we must think of the old systems" when they developed their new products?
    We saw this with Windows, it took an age to evolve, from Win3x to WinME we were stuck with old true 16bit support.
    We were forced over many years to have a sub-standard OS because we ahd to keep "thinking of the old systems".
    16bit is dead, long live 16bit.

    ok, so i saw red and posted what i felt :>

    XP and others (2k) are good server systems (never thought i would hearmyself say that smile BUT the backwards compatability thing is somethinbg that a lot of people want (me included). I cant afford to keep on the upgrade path of MS because my essential stuff just wont work with it. NOT a limitation of the stuff i use but the underlying os calls etc...

    I have a client who spent over 11 thousand pounds (sterling) on a certain piece of software that can be hosted onANY peer / shared drive type setup. This means that if i wanted to, i can install PcDos (license free) and then the commercial program (already paid for) and of course no special hardware is required to run it so long as its of reasonable spec (min of 133m cpu and 16mb ram) i dont recall what XP operating requirements are of hand but i am sure its something larger than this, and for what? to do the same thing but with optional downtime smile

    Dont get me wrong, the whole windoze thing is a good thing, evolution does take time but then look at the speed at which linux is evolving not to mention the other 29 FREE operating systems that can read fat32 drives and map / share etc......

    I was quite happy with my 60gb drive and my os taking just 130mb (98) then i upgrade to XP Pro and the bleeding thing wants a gig !

    I am sure that there are many arguments for and against, not just o/s bashing but pros and cons like my webcam and scanner dont like being plugged in at the same time (usb) but under XP they work like a charm.
    Question is, why wont they work under 98 when 98 drivers are fine !!

    Lets face it, XP and other NT stuff would be nice if only i could get my 16bit exec's to function properly. If it wan't for that i dare say i would be in front of my kbash.

    When i write an application (dos) i allways make sure that the bleedin thing works with older versions. What if i told you that in one place (a communications leader in the south of england) i was awarded a contract to Y2K check some old dos stuff (one of the systems, a 486sx 25) was responsible for operating a helium cable joint box (joins two cables under atlantic). I asked why i was awarded the final contract. They said that their own staff, allthough damn good people, didnt know squat about dos.

    best regards,

    sticking with 16 bit, long live 8 bit

  2. hi,


    so win98 is being phased out eh ?


    There is always linux right ? The all doing free alternative with commercial quality apps and games not too mention the capability of running my Win98 stuff from linux without having to have 98 installed...


    hmmm, me thinks that when w98 support stops, linux will be my saviour. I dual boot at the mo but i can setup my fat32 as a ext2 no problem.


    I still get to use dos (dosemu) i can run 98 games (directx ones also smile and the best bnit of all, it costs me nothing to upgrade.


    As for you saying that 16bit needs to go away, maybe so, but the apps themselves will always be around.


    Too quick to slag off the low end of the market some of you. Let me tell you that one of my clients paid over 12000 UK pounds for a spe[censored]ed application that was designed for w98. Linux can take this in hand and save my client thousands in the long term whilst being able to keep up with the latest software technology without having to purchase damn expensive license solutions.


    As for dos, i also have a set of images for Dr-Dos 7.03


    Maybe the days of xtree have gone. Just remember that in ten years, your 2.2gb ath xp with xp pro is going to look like a damn calculator.


    Damn you for slagging off the old systems.


    <rant off>



    Tim - PcDoctor


  3. anyone know of any half decent win xp compat fidonet progs (freeware only no shareware thanks)


    have searched my arse off (google is often your friend) but stuff like sempoint and winpoint are problematic for me. Terminate is shareware but otherwise excellent candidate ?


    Any native w32 apps out there ??





  4. aha!


    i will continue my hunt smile


    i wrote a small dos (qb) app that changes win95, 98, 98se and me keys (for trade use) and all that...


    I have only had the xp pro up and running for a few days and so far so good. (fun with usb though).


    thanks for the heads up. registered with ntcompat today and still finding my feet.




  5. hi chaps,


    i wonder if ANYONE has had any problems with open processes (lots of) and open files (again lots of)whilst running the convert to go fat32 to ntfs.


    I am reluctant (dispite 16 years in the trade) to go for the ntfs convert (the efs would be nice though) on the basis that my "non standard" nt software is going to present problems.


    I could of course shut down (or kill -9 smile the box before converting but has convert given any other users problems?


    any replies welcomed.



  6. hi chaps,


    the product id AND key are both stored in Win98 and 98se.

    I have searched the old parts of my updated registry and they are no longer there (win98se to xp upgrade)


    Xp only (as far as i can tell) stores product id.


    if anyone knows different, please post as i would love to know.



