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Posts posted by g0dzhmmr

  1. Thanks for the help on where to find it. I found the main reason for it not being there. Didn't know you needed to have fiel and print sharing installed to have the server service available under services. I am now more the wiser for that mistake. Again thanks for the help.



  2. Hey all, Have a question for everyone. I go into the mmc and bring up the local user and groups. I go to users and select properties of a user an when I click on the 'member of' tab I get a dialog window saying "the following error occured while attempting to read the properties for the user 'user's name': The server service is not started.". I've tried this for user accounts and administrator. I'm logged in with an account that has administrator group privilages. I'm on a XP pro. system. If anyone has any Idea why this is happening I'd be much obliged for some help.




