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Everything posted by Silver-Dagger

  1. Silver-Dagger

    winxp driver for diamond stealth II s220 ????

    try this address http://www.micron.com/content.jsp?path=Products/ITG Download the driver.zip file at the bottom of the page. There will be an NT5 driver. It works for 2000 so it might work for XP. ;( I found this link at http://www.driverguide.com You will have to login: username: drivers pw: all Good Luck
  2. Silver-Dagger

    IE 6 - Search Page Issue

    OK here is what you need to do. Open internet options either by goingto tools pulldown or in control panel. Click on advanced tab and scroll down to 'Search from Address Bar'. Change option to 'Do not search form the address bar'. Now you will not be able to just type in your search criteria in the address bar and have it do a search. You would have to goto the MSN, Yahoo, Google, ect site first. Other then this I do not know of a way to get rid of it.
  3. Silver-Dagger

    Freeware Tweaking Programs

    tweakui from microsoft. Just do a google search and it will be the first link.
  4. Silver-Dagger

    File Backup/Automation Software

    This is what I would do. Install at least IE 5.5 offline browsing package on the client. This will give you the sceduled task like in 9X. This is easier then the AT command. Then share your MP3 folder on the server. Next make a batch file to run on the client that will map a drive to the MP3 folder and copy the files. All poeple have to do is remember the good old days of DOS to get alot of automation done
  5. Silver-Dagger

    Windows XP update gone bad!

    Sounds like you are not logging in with adminstrator rights. If you are running one of the Corp keys then it may be a timeout problem.
  6. Silver-Dagger

    Stupidest Customer/Person You Know (Computers)

    This is my favorite and a clasic: Program says to 'Press "any key" to continue'. I have looked everywhere, on the keyboard, box (CPU), mouse, and printer and I can not find anything that says 'Any Key'. I have acually heard one help desk person tell the customer that it was the 'n' key on the keyboard.
  7. Silver-Dagger

    Sharing Internet Within a 2k Domain

    I am glad the 2K domain w/o AD question was asked. That is what I was going to ask also. I have a small NT home domain and would love to go to 2000 but I can not because of AD and ICS. I only have modem connection (can not get broadband). Everybody says that AD is great but I do not. It keeps people like me with a small setup from setting up a small working domain to learn.
  8. Silver-Dagger

    Sharing Internet Within a 2k Domain

    Can someone run a 2000 domain without running AD? If so I would like to know how.....
  9. Silver-Dagger

    change time on W2k

    All you have to do is use the following command in the logon script of the server and set everyones logon account to use the script (sound like you are doing this anyway). net time \\computer /set Just put the name of your server in for computer and everytime someone logs into the domain the machine will be sinked (spelling ?). I do this and it works for 9x, NT, 2K, and XP.
  10. Silver-Dagger

    XP cant see 98 or vice versa

    OK the LMHost file can be found here: c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc The file itself has a rather good explaination in it. The local security policy can be found by going to: start\settings\control pannel\administratinve tools\local security policy when the window opens click on local policies then audit policy. The settings here are just like in NT 4.0.
  11. Silver-Dagger

    Really weird internet/LAN problem - Help needed

    Yeh people turning off ICMP do to DoS attacks makes finding net problems hard. Ping is a good general tool to check DNS and connectivety but trace route is much better to use on this case. Do not forget that if you find something funny on your ISP side then redirect the output to a file. I think the first thing I would do it just plug your cable modem into one of your machines. This will take out the possibility of the router. Not to mention your ISP will not have any reason to say it is on your end. Remember, anything more then cable to modem to machine then the ISP is automaticly going to say it is one your end unless it is a major obvous problem. PS Sorry about the spelling... I am a Comp major, not an english major.
  12. Silver-Dagger

    XP cant see 98 or vice versa

    I would make a lmhost file for each machine and also make sure the XP firewall is turned off for your nic. Also on the XP box goto local policy and setup logging for logon attempts.
  13. Silver-Dagger

    disk imaging programs

    you will have to run ghost in DOS not in a DOS window. Just grab any DOS bootable floppy on the net and boot with it. Then put in your floppy with ghost on it and run ghost. It will see the partition.