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Everything posted by Silver-Dagger

  1. Silver-Dagger


    Most people use update programs like direct update. This is better then a hardware type because if the service updates or changes then you just have to install a new version of the update program instead of waiting and hoping that your hardware issues a firmware update.
  2. If you are running 98 or XP (non 2000) then you can use msconfig in a console. Or if you must do it in the registry then the path is: hkey_local_macchine/software/microsoft/windows/currentversion/run and hkey_current_user/software/microsoft/windows/currentversion/run
  3. Silver-Dagger


    12 to 15 thousand feet from the dslam is the only limit I know. This is from the dslam to the modem. Shielded cable can help.
  4. Silver-Dagger

    Winroute on WinXP Pro

    I am using it now and have been for a couple of years. I have only used it with 98, NT and 2000. A friend of mine had the same problem on 98 and it turned out to be a virus.
  5. Silver-Dagger

    need help with my presario 920 in w2k

    What video card do you have in it? I have 2000 running on a Presario 725US and it has a S3 Twister K in it. I had to go to S3 website and get a 2000 driver for it.
  6. Silver-Dagger

    Modem Problem

    Make the connection with the computer again and check your IP, DNS, and default gateway. You can do this by typing 'ipconfig /all' (without the quotes) at a command prompt in 2000/xp or 'winipcfg' in 9x. Make sure you have a valid IP for your ISP, the DNS ip(s) are correct, and the default gateway IP is correct. If all looks right then try to ping a website (like www.google.com) by name. If that fails then try to ping Google by IP ( If this works then you have a DNS problem. If this failes then you have a default gateway problem. You can try to release the IP you have and renew for a new one.
  7. Silver-Dagger

    Diablo 2 problem!

    What OS and service pack and patch level are you running.
  8. Silver-Dagger

    network speeds

    With your 177k this is 177 kilobytes per second. You take 177 times 1024(number of bytes in a bit) times 8 (number of bits in a byte) and you get 1449984 bits per second. Now a 10mbps is 10 million bits per second. So you will be fine with a 10mbps card.
  9. Silver-Dagger

    Network setup question

    If all you are going to do is connect the two machines then all you will need is the two NIC's and a crossover cable. But, if there is a posibility of even one more machine being added then drop the crossover cable and get a hub and patch cables. You mentioned a router. This would be WAY more then you need unless you wated to share an internet connection. BTW a networking book would not hurt but the best way to start learning networking is to just setup a small network of your own.
  10. Does anybody know if you can slip SP4 over a already slipped sp3 disk of Win 2000?
  11. Silver-Dagger

    slipstream an already slipstreamed Win2000

    Thanks Tomay that is what I wanted to hear.
  12. Silver-Dagger

    slipstream an already slipstreamed Win2000

    I know how to do the slipstream I just want to know if I have to dig to find my unaltered W2K disk or if I can use the one I already have SP3 slipped into.
  13. Silver-Dagger

    Safemode on Windows NT.

    Just like in all other MS OS's. You just keep hitting F8 during bootup (befor the OS list comes up). You will get a list and one of the options will be safe mode.
  14. Silver-Dagger

    Powering up Problem

    I had something like this happen to me. I did everything and finnally noticed that the power supply somehow was switched from 120v to 220v. Switched it back to 120v and everything worked fine.
  15. Silver-Dagger

    Win98 workgroup

    I am tring to remember from my NT cert exam. I think they said 10 but not sure. I do know that after so many the netbios broadcast gets too much.
  16. Silver-Dagger

    Wireless networking: Does it work?

    DS3, 11g runs on the 2.4 GHz so it will have interference with the 2.4 phones. Also something people do not figure in is a microwave (puts out static in the 2.4 range) and close neighbors that might have phones and/or wireless routers.
  17. Silver-Dagger

    nero vs alcohol

    I have two CD drives so why would I need the virtual drive anyway.
  18. Silver-Dagger

    nero vs alcohol

    Well I could not figure out how to get my cd drive back so I just wiped my C drive and reinstalled 2000. When I installed A-120% I lost the drive again. I think it may have something to do with A-120% virtual drive. The sad thing is that you can not turn this off untill after it is installed. By then it is too late. ;(
  19. Silver-Dagger

    nero vs alcohol

    I have install A-120% twice now with nero and everly time it has caused problems. I wind up loosing one of my two drives in windows.
  20. Silver-Dagger

    XP Home and control over internet connection...

    ouch. Not sure how to do that with broadband.
  21. Silver-Dagger

    XP Home and control over internet connection...

    How are you getting access? dialup or broadband
  22. Silver-Dagger

    New nForce 2.14 WHQL Drivers released

    I am using them now on an AMD 1700 Abit NF7-S board with Win2000. Everything is running fine.
  23. Silver-Dagger


    Adaware is good but I think Spybot is better. It finds more spyware and will remove more spyware.
  24. Silver-Dagger

    Where in the registry to disable "Windows Update"

    Just do not give the users admin rights.
  25. Silver-Dagger

    Assign IP without a Network Connection?

    Not that I am aware of. Sorry What does this program do? A program that connects via serial but needs an IP address to connect to sounds a little funny to me.