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Posts posted by videobruce

  1. Quote:
    Installed MS .Net SDK lately?
    No, whatever that is.

    I got that file from another forum's post and put it in the Winamp folder and the error message is gone.

    Thing is, I don't understand why it was needed since the other bootable drive in the same box never had that message and both drives run 2k and that file isn't in the other drive either. I used the same version of Winamp qand installed the same options (not all) as far as I remember.

  2. There is no "T" in MSVCR70.dll. I checked it again. Thw whole error message lists 10 different locations where this file can't be found most of which are in the WINNT folder. I have ULead Video Studio V6 installed and that is one of the locations where this dll isn't found!


    In the good drive with no error message, why can't I find that dll if it is needed?

  3. I get a error message when I open Winamp V3 "A DLL MSVCR70.dll can't be found at the specifyed path". The program runs ok as far as mp3 files though. I uninstalled and reinstalled the program, but the same thing.


    I have another bootable HD on the same computer and it opens fine there. I'm running 2k w/sp3. I did a search for this dll in the good drive but nothing comes up.

  4. Someone else suggested using Reg Edit 32 which I did. It did work, but I looked into your idea which seems much easier if you can find the exact entries. Using Reg Crawler finds them in Reg Edit ok, but it is hard to navigate Reg Edit 32 since I'm not use to it.


    Can you set Device Manager to show hidden devices everytime without re-enableing it each time?

  5. Device drivers that are uninstalled still leave entries in the registry under ENUM which I believe are Device Manager entries that can't be deleted. If I have a problem with a driver I like to completely uninstall it and start from scratch, but I can't since these entries are permanently entered into the registry with no apparent way to remove them. I have encountered times where that causes problems since the driver is really already there and no conformation boxes appear when you go to reinstalled them they way they did when they wereinstalled the first time. Especially with video devices where it is more critical.


    Without reinstalling a previous image file (if there is one), how can these entries be deleted? I use Registry Crawler to find these left over entries of which there usually are many. This is running 2k w/sp3 and logged in as a administrator.

  6. Quote:
    With Windows 2000 if you just leave the CD in it will wait 5 sec and if no keys are touched will boot of the HD and continue installation.
    So don't worry about WIn2k reinstallig itself over and over.
    I did that, but it went back to the copying stage again, I had to remove the CD after the first boot! This was with a CD that was modified to bypass the product key entry!

  7. Haven't tried any other software since this is for this card.

    Don't know, I will look in event viewer.


    I just tried nVidia's V1.22 WDM package and the capture driver won't load in device manager! At least with Asus's V1.19 everything loaded! I tried it twice and the same thing. The first time I only got 1 "do you want to install" conformation box and then it asked me to restart. Before I got 4 or 5 boxes for each driver so I figured something was wrong.

    I will try to d/l it again just in case it was corupted.


    I tried e-mailing Asus 6 times over 3 days and ALL of them came back using different addresses ans approaches! Great company, worse than Creative; too many products, too little support and a NON W3C complaiant website!

  8. I get this error message when I open the Asus Digital VCR (V2.3) capture program:

    "Can't start kernel mode driver service"


    I have done 4 or 5 fresh installs of Win 2k w/sp3 slipstreamed and changed the order of the WDM capture drivers and the program itself after I loaded the video card drivers (all from Asus) and the same thing.

    I looked in Administartive Tools/Services and can't find this "Kernel mode driver" listed or anything close to it. Nothing is disabled that wasn't disabled bu default in Windows. Device manager looks clean.


    Epox 8RDA MB (nForce2 chipset & V2.03 driver package)

    SB Live value (w/o any Creative drivers)

    Linksys NIC (no drivers)

    HP printer (no drivers)

  9. Update;


    I received a e-mail reply from Asus (in spite of the fact I had to send many to get one to go through, almost as bad as their website not being W3C compatable) and they said to use the Digital VCR program/driver V2.3 along with the WDM capture driver package V1.9 which I did.


    Now, I get a error message while opening the Digital VCR program:

    "Can't start kennel mode driver service". The program does work though.

    I have seen theis before, but when I cheked Administartive Tools/Services I could not find this "Kernel mode driver" listing. There are only a few that are disabled, the others either are auto or manual.


    Any ideas?

  10. I get this Windows error message:

    "Can't start Kernel Mode Driver Service" when starting the Asus Digital VCR program on a V7100DC card with a Epox 8RDA MB.


    I have loaded the WDM capture drivers as Asus states. I tried it both ways loading the program first and loading the capture drivers first.


    I have seen messages as this before when a Windows service was disabled, but I can't find that name under Administrative Tools/Services.


    Any Ideas? I'm running 2k w/sp3.

  11. After I load the Asus Live V4.6b driver for the video capture feature it disables the VGA video driver.

    I get the message in Device Manager:


    "This device cannot find enough resources that it can use."


    There are no conflicts shown in Device Manager.


    Win 2k w/sp3

    nForce Unified driver package V2.03

    Asus V7100DC (GeForce2 MX) V31.40 drivrer

    SB Live value card w/o Creative's drivers (2k only)

    Linksys NIC

    512MB PC2700

    HP Printer


    I used this card on a 8KTA with no problems! Never had this error before! There is so little in this system. About the same setup as the 8KTA had (same components).

  12. The problem with the 200 vs 450 speed of the processor was with this board long before this card was added. Doesn't have anything to do with the card. It's a bios problem. I can change the bus/clock speed to what it should be for the processor ok.


    Sorry you misunderstood.

  13. I would be concerned about a audio device on a bus that other devices are using even though a audio device on a PCI card is on a bus that other MB devices are using within the board. It is the same for a USB mouse or keyboard. As long as there are decicated connectors/portrs for that device why not use them? It won't be any faster/better/ sound different etc. Something more to go wrong and cause a problem with something else.


    BTW Ron, John Lesile and Annette Haven said hello............

  14. I understand on using another PCI audio card. BUT:

    1. I am getting rid of this, if it was for me it would be different.

    2. Audio isn't that important as long as it works halfway decent and it does. If I want real good audio I have a audio system I would listen to.

    3. The card does work and I do have 2 other PCI audio cards, but don't want to use them here on a older board.


    It may get you around losing over 55% of your speed for the CPU timing!
    Ok, you lost me, loosing half your speed on timing??

  15. I stripped a few boards out of this box since I am getting rid of it, but wanted some kind of audio, When it hung with the card in I reset the bios and it apparently change the PPNP OS to no. Why? I don't know. It also changes the processor to a 200 down from a 450. Soyo's bios on this board isn't that great and this is the last bios they made.
