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Posts posted by videobruce

  1. After a few minutes without a browser running using DU Meter as a in/out monitor I'm getting a massive (for a analog connection) upload of unknown data to a unknown destination by a unknown process.


    I have:

    Done a virus scan (though not up to date definations)

    Used AdAware V6 and SpyBot V1.2

    Checked processes running


    I am running 2k w/sp3 The laptop was upgraded with Idiot Exploiter 6 from M$'s site (this isn't my laptop BTW).


    Before the dialer was starting byself, now it seems ok, but not sure yet.

    The laptop freezes where only a reboot solves the condition (no browser running the last time).


    The IE update was the last upgrade/change AFAIK.


    It is almost as this machine was doing a DOS attack to another site by uploading massive amounts of data somewhere.

  2. It SEEMS (I'm not sure yet) that a process running in the background that didn't have to was the problem!


    I have a capture card; Winnov Videum AV that has poorly written software that I have had a problem with before (even with the updated S/W). There is a .exe that loads at startup, if I remember correctly was needed for the audio portion of the card to run correctly. I let it run, but I am only using the video portion in this box (was in another box before as the audio card also) with NO audio drivers loaded (though Windows still lists the card under audio). I have a separate audio card here.

    A couple of people in other forums suggested memory issues and I thought about this.

    In Task Manager I monitor the 'I/O other' (don't know what the 'other' is) and see this process is constantly accessing the 'other' even though the program isn't running. I disabled it and so far so good, no BSOD's!


    I am still testing, it's too early to tell since this has been a intermittent problem.

  3. I get that message pointing to 'ndis.sys' when I try to send a e-mail with SMTP authority using Opera V6.05 w/ SMTP Auth V0.9

    This also happens with just Pegasus Mail running!


    I thought it was a problem with SMTP Authority, but the same thing happens with Pegasus Mail! Here is the KB article from M$ on the error:




    Here is the overview from M$ on ndis:




    My network card is a Linksys LNETX100 through a Netgear router

    I have DSL through Verizon if that matters.


    I'm running 2k Pro w/SP3


    I do see SP4 is out, with 2 issues on something simalar to this, but with the Server edition:






    I'm not ready to instal SP4 yet.........too early.


    Any other ideas??

  4. What no Comtrash fans out there??

    Others have said that I need to disable DHCP and when I did I get this deal:


    This menu item:

    Access Point Setup;

    that switches it from a-

    Internet Router+Wireless Access Point or a-

    Access Point Only (disable DHCP Server)

    I switched to the 2nd entry and it changed the Internet Connection Method screen from PPPoE to Static IP.

    I tried entering in the IP of the host ( as the "Internet IP", "Default Gateway" and the "DNS Server", but it would let me stating it had a "Invalid DNS Server address". I also tried as the DNS Server address, but that didn't work either.


    Then I set the DNS address to and it complainted that the "IP address can't be the local host address or multicast address".

    The default setting of the IP address is and default gateway is


    If I change the IP address of the wired NIC to would that work?


    All of these options and it can't do a (what I consider) a simple dialup connection!


    BTW, $$ is a issue also since that is why he dropped Cable.............

  5. I have increased my resolution from 1024x768 to 1280x1024 and have gone through the list under display properties/appearence to increase the sizes to 12 pt, but there are still dialog boxes, namely the save as that are small and hard to read. Along with some of the startup boxes that are small also which I could live with.


    Even when you right click on the destop for properties the text is small. I know there is a choice of small and large fonts under monitor, but I tried that and the fonts are way too large after I changed everything else over.

    Should I of have changed that first?

  6. How about a KVM switch thrown into the mix???

    How about a bad connection into/out of the switch?


    That's what it looks like as of now. I wiggled (nothing was loose or not shoved in all the way) the plugs on the switch after I noticed the LED on the switch flickering when I lost the video to the monitor. (There is nothing connected to the other port other than the cable for another box as a conveinence feature.)


    Really sucks since I thought it was the processor so I ordered a 1.7 XP for $49 from Newegg with the optional 1 yr warrenty (30 days standard). Guess I have a spare now................

  7. I have read the M$ KB articles on ICS and dial up, but can't get the client to call the dial up on the Host (Gateway) computer through a wireless NIC/router setup.


    I looked at the settings and both are on the same domain name, both have the IP address set for automatic. ICS is enabled on the host.


    The setup is:


    Win 2k

    Host (Gateway, tower box) wired NIC

    Client (Laptop box) wireless NIC


    Compaq CP-2W router.

    Dial up ISP.


    Host can see client, but client CAN'T see host or call up the dialup.

    Dialup works from host ok.


    What am I missing? Hope this makes sense.

  8. As I stated I started to happen after I installed the HP scanner software.

    The MB doesn't have integreated video, but I do ahve a spare card that I was trying to avoid using untill I was more sure it is the card.

    It is a PS2 mouse.

    Can't remember if 2k even has System Restore. I thought that was only ME and XP.

    This is the 9100 (8500LE) card and a True Power Antec 330W supply.

    It is the latest Epox bios.


    Update.........now it started to do it on a cold start. System was off 16 hours.


    To recap the problem;

    The screen blanks (blacks) out for a second and returns with the mouse frozen for another second and all is fine. It repeats this two or more times but with no real pattern. If is keeps on doing it the cursor locks so I have to do a reboot to clear it up. Doesn't matter if the scanner software is running or not!

  9. This isn't going to be easy to describe, but here goes;


    I believe it is a thermal problem with the video card, but I'm not sure. After the box has been on for 30-60 minutes (or so) the monitor goes dark for a second then returns. This happens a few times and if it really gets bad (more frequent) the dark periods get longer that the monitor goes into standby mode then returns with the mouse cursor frozen that I have to reboot to get it back.


    I know it's not the monitor, it's the video card not sending a signal to it and somehow also locking up the mouse (keyboard is ok).


    This happened after installing S/W for a HP S20 photo scanner, BUT I don't think that is the problem because on my other bootable drive (in the same box) the problem is there but not as bad. It might be making it worse, but I don't think it is that easy. I'm also not sure it is the card itself, though it is the card that is not sending the video signal to the monitor.


    Before I swap cards, anyone have any ideas? Here is the system:


    Win 2k w/sp3

    Epox 8RDA nForce 2 MB (latest bios and nForce 2 UDP)

    AMD 2100b

    2x256MB Corsair PC2700

    Saphire ATI Radeon 9100 (latest ATI driver)

    HP S20 scanner

    Kodak DVC 325 camnera

    Creative PC-Cam 600

    SB Live value

    Antec 330W Tru Power PSU


    Device Manager ok

    No viruses


    I have pulled and reseated the video card, memory, processor (added a little more compond).

    I have not overclocked anything.

    No overheating apparent on processor or video card.


    As I write this the system has been on for over 2 hours without a single incident (so far).

  10. Surely that isn't a 'stupid' question!

    Actually, that wouldn't be that bad of a idea! Probably some external counter tied into the drive itself.

    I'm surprise someone hasn't come out with a program to do that. I assume it would have to be tied in with the burning software somehow.

  11. Ok, my rant..........

    As far as shutting down the computer...........it isn't just the cost it's the fact yours and 30 million others that are left on are a enormous waste of energy! Don't you believe in conversation or are you one that drives one of those Yuppie trucks that gets 10 MPG? Remember California last year?


    As far as the drivers, anything that is there is from M$! The drives are stopping ok, but they can't seem to start properly.

  12. Running 2k w/ APM support (no ACPI because of chipset issues) after the HDD's power down (after 10 min as I have set it) when they are started, they go into a 'loop' pattern of trying to start, then stop over and over. Usually I have to force a reset to get out of it, but sometimes I can get Task Mamanger uip and it seems to keeps the drives up and running.

    I know if I set the drives to 'never' would solve the problem, but that isn't what I want to do, nor is it a real 'fix'!


    ACPI was changed over to APM because of issues between 2k's ACPI mode and the Ali V chipset. Again this is 2k w/sp3 installed and regular ATA33 IDE drives on the same channel.


    I hope that made sense.......any ideas??
