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Posts posted by videobruce

  1. I have a chance to pick up a GA-7ZXE M/B and I'm looking for anyone with experiance with that board.


    I serached for reviews high and low and could only come up with one in German! I found a number of reviews with the GA-7ZX (w/ the KT-133 chipset) but none of the ZXE! I also found reviews of the ZR (I believe it was), but after seraching a dozen or so sites, nothing.


    The reviews of the ZX weren't that great. I don't know if it was the chipset or the board itself. I'm not a Gigabyte fan, but the price might be right and I'm willing to give it a try. I have the documnentation from Gigabyte but a little insite would be better!


    I'm not looking to overclock, or to have the latest, greatest, fastert box on the street (especially from a 1 1/2 year old M/B) but something halfway decent.


    Any input would be great and thanks in advance!

  2. I have has this problem from day one on a 932c printer and I finally got around to write to HP about it. They responded and acknowledge the problem in the e-mail with a link to a document on this issue:




    Also here is the text that was sent back:


    According to your e-mails, there is ink in the capping station of your

    HP Deskjet 932C printer and you believe that the ink from the cartridges

    is leaking into the capping station.


    It is normal for a little ink to be present in the capping station or

    the small rectangle containing absorbent material at the home position.

    There are multiple uses of the capping station. Some of these uses are:


    1. Cleaning the nozzles.

    This will clear any dust particles that may have been stuck on the

    nozzles during the printing process.


    2. Cleaning excessive ink.

    The often times excessive ink may be sprayed and some of it will

    remain at the nozzles and may cause ink smearing. The absorbent

    material will absorb this excessive ink and keep the nozzles clean.

    Hence, the ink being observed in the capping station.


    3. The wet material in the capping station caps the nozzles and

    prevents the ink from drying at the nozzles.


    This "little ink" would be a mountain if I havving been cleaning it everytime I refill the cartridges! As far as I am concerned it is a real problem, probably due to their 'negitive pressure' black cartridge design.


    I haven't seen any other posts anywhere on this and I can't believe no one else has brought this up. I estamate at least 25% of the ink is wasted just dripping out! Of course HP is feverishly working on the problem since they have to sell more cartridges to make up for the wasted ink!................


    How many others see this and what are your opinons on this? BTW, this is even with HP cartridges, not just refills!

  3. Yes on the bias, but no on the cartridges. I know that the cartridge IS the problem, but other than throwing it out (I have 2 of them), I want to try to correct it electronically by adjusting the CMY levels. I would say RGB, but this is a printer issue, not monitor.

    I need to edit a icm profile, but have no idea how to do it. There must be a program to do so, other than another image editing program that I don't want or need. I use Thumbs Plus.


    This all came about trying to print a web page color sample of a toilet! Yes, toilet, needless to say the print came out crappy!


    (Couldn't resist that one...............sorry!)

  4. I replaced the color cartridge and the color balance is off. It leans towards green and the "cooler/warmer" only adjusts either the red or the blue. What I really need are separate RGB levels. Is there any program for printers to override the HP settings? I'm not talking about re-adjusting each and every image I want printed either as you would find in a photo editor program. I'm talking about matching the monitor to the printout.


    I looked under color management and the icm files don't tell you the RGB ratios.

  5. Well I guess that leaves me out since I don't have a web or FTP site!


    Yes, what I'm missing is in blue.


    Someone else has a thought that I haven't thought of even being a issue. It has to do with another image program commanding file associations away from the O/S.


    The image program I use is IrFanView which I like because it is very small, loads fast, easy to use and it's far better than M$ PhotoEditor for JPEG's (very dated) and Media Player for MPEG's!


    I also use ThumbsPlus for my main slide show, photo editor, but I have ALWAYS had this on my boxes. The IrFanView is somewhat new and I do have these file associations associated with this program (jpeg's and bmp's especially) BUT I have had this for sometime and this problem didn't happen right after I installed the program.


    Unless something got corrupted down the road, but that is a long shot. I guess I could try to re-change the file accociations back to M$.

  6. The first question is: How do you add a image to these posts? If I knew that I would of posted the image by now.


    To answer your question, the whole left side is not there. The green and the red areas! The left edge of the window would be the edge of the folder icons.


    I always use detail view since I detest those childish, 3rd grade, silly, stupid, moran icons. Besides that I really don't like them too much!..............Just a little humor

  7. If I do a "customize this folder" 2 additional entries get added to that folder only: a hidden "folder settings" and a "destop.ini"


    Those entries were not there before and that is the only way I found to band-aid the problem for that folder. You have to do the same for ANY and ALL folders you view. NOT a acceptable soluton!


    When you say copy this "folder.htt", copy where, in each folder? Same scenario!

  8. Running Win 2k:


    This isn't using explorer, but just opening up a folder or drive with the web view on the left and the entries on the right. The preview pane is gone. Happened before and I had to re-install Win 2k to get it back but I reaslly don't want to do that again.


    I'm sure it is a registry edit solution. If you look under: winnt\web the wvleft.bmp is the file that creates this view. I know this because I deleted it once before (not on this machine) and the same thing happened. It would be the same as checking under folder options the use windows classic folders instead of web view. You CAN'T just re-check that and then click on folder views: like current folder. That WON'T work!


    Something changed the registry so that the bitmap that windows needs to create that view doesn't get pointed or referenced to.


    At least that's what I think. I hope you understand that I'm NOT refering to the dual pane of Explorer!


    I have run a virus check and it comes up clean.

  9. Running 2k w/sp3 I went from 256 to 512 PC133 (on a PC100 system) memory and it caused 2 games to lockup. The MB is Soyo SY-6BA+IV with a Wintell BX440 chipset and a 450 PII. I ran a DOS based memory testing program on the box for 8-10 hours with 15 passes and they all passed.


    The first 2 sticks are matched. The 3rd is a PC133 and the 4th is either a PC133 or 100. The board is only a 100 so I know the speed isn't a issue. The bios and Windows (I believe, since I have removed it since) does reconize the additional memory.


    Is it just some incombatibility between the sticks? None are what I would call 'good' memory sticks (Crucial, Micron, Corsair etc.)

  10. On a older Deskpro desktop unit, the bios was on the MD as far as I knew. The HD had a very small hidden partition (less than a MB).


    This one apparently doesn't have that or the other version that has the utility to access the bios on the drivre. There is a 700MB hidden partition that holds the restore feature though.

  11. To me, the case and MB on these pre made boxes are married together; "to death do us part"! Since they are propriatary boards (the AGP slot is between the 2 PCI slots!) your stuck with their design.


    All I wanted to do in upgrade the OS and hardware other than the MB, case and PS.

  12. Don't care about the orginal setup. That's 4 years old.


    Just don't want to wipe the bios if it was still on the drive like older Compaqs.


    I removed the IDE cable from the dsrive and booted to a floppy ok. I assume that means the bios IS on the MB, since if it was on the HD the MB wouldn't even post, correct?
