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Everything posted by ViperZ2000

  1. Thank God for Symantec Ghost!
  2. ViperZ2000

    NAT problems with web sharing!

    I quickly browsed this post so forgive me if I missed something ... I think you will have to set up RRAS if you are not using ICS. Once you configure RRAS (and probably DNS), you should not have any issues. There has to be something running to 'bridge' the connection between both NICS. ICS does it automatically and RRAS will do it once configured. Hope this helps.
  3. ViperZ2000

    Reset when browsing network drive

    Nero and up will work with XP for sure. I'm running 5564 at work and 5572 at home. Both work great.
  4. ViperZ2000

    Kick Start for login scripts

    Does anyone know where I can find a demo or full version of 'Kick Start'? I'm not sure if it is freeware, shareware, or a full retail product. TIA
  5. ViperZ2000

    Kick Start for login scripts

  6. ViperZ2000

    Any computer connecting to an XP computer

    Try this: Change the following registry key on the computers (if XP or 2000): HKey_Local_Machine\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa The value is forceguest. The default is 1, which will only allow the guest account access to the computer from another computer. Change the value to 0 to allow users to access the computer using their own account. Hope this helps!
  7. Clutch, Those links were great! Just a quick 'Thank You' for taking the time to answer our questions...and answer them correctly:D
  8. ViperZ2000

    Can Win 2000 be used as a file server?

    Agreed! If Linux were the desktop standard distributed by the mfg's and OEMs, we would still be in the boat we're in now. Also, as popularity for Linux grows, it will be noticed and more widely available to be hacked <even more than it is today>. Well...there was my two cents worth
  9. ViperZ2000

    Reset when browsing network drive

    I also had a similar issue with XP on a fresh load last week where the nic.sys (actually a 3c???.sys) gave me a blue screen and rebooted. I fixed this by running Norton System Works (run and repair) directly from the CD. This fixed whatever the error was. I had almost 85 problems with shortcuts and registry entrys on a fresh XP load...no other software but the OS!!! Good luck!
  10. ViperZ2000

    Reset when browsing network drive

    Sounds like you may want to remove TCP/IP and re-add it. It's very unusual that the stack gets corrupt but it is worth a try and 10 minutes of your time. Hope this helps....