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Posts posted by Alien

  1. Quote:
    I refuse to infect my box with anything "Norton".
    Not everything made by Norton is bad, Infact the 9x/ME version of Speed Disk is the best defragger I've ever used, which is why it's so annoying that the XP v. of SD is so lame. Also Norton Uninstaller Deluxe for 9x/ME was pretty useful too, & is still quite good under XP, depsite the fact that in XP some of the characters in it's menus are corrupted.

  2. Have you checked the jumper settings on both drives [HDD & CD] to make sure the master & slave settings are correct? Also, do you leave your IDE device settings in BIOS set to auto-detect, or do you detect them & leave them set @ the right settings? I know some boards might not give you a choice on this matter, but if yours does it can make a difference. [what I mean is that auto-detect is slower]

  3. Quote:
    Could of sworn I saw an UPS patch on Windows update,

    Did you try that?
    I had the same thought when I read this thread, so went & had a look - I think it's for a slightly different UPS-related prob.
    from M$ KB article about the patch
    You are unable to configure an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). The UPS service does not start and you may receive a Dr. Watson access violation or application error message in Ups.exe.

  4. I would have thought it depends on how you do it - if it's just stuff like themes, styles, or changing the OEM info with something like Xteq Xsetup then I would agreee with calling it modifying, but when you use something like ResHacker to actually replace a bitmap or a caption for the Start button in an exe or dll file & then recompile the file I would have thought that using the term hack wouldn't be too inappropriate.

  5. perhaps, but if you set it to a fixed size then it [the pagefile] won't get fragmented & windows won't keep changing its mind about how big it wants it to be so it balances out. [plus it depends on how far out into the disk the pagefile is - mine's on partion no. 2 of 6 (1st 1 is about 5GB, 2nd is just over 4GB) ]


    On a related matter, am I the only 1 who is really narked that the nt/2k/xp version of Speed Disk [& every other defragger I've tried so far [for XP] is unable to move the pagefile to the beginning of the partition? [like Speed Disk can in 9x/ME]

  6. Without knowing more I can't really narrow it down much, but a few things spring to mind:


    - Has XP always behaved this way on your machine?

    - How old is the installation of XP?

    - Have you replaced/hacked [for appearances sake] the boot screen, the login screen, or Explorer.exe?

    - Have you had any probs with installing/uninstalling progs - eg 1 that didn't install/uninstall smoothly?

    - as above, but for drivers

    - Have a look in Msconfig & see what you have running @ statup - maybe you'll find a clue to your prob in the list of things that are set to run @ startup.

    - Does it do a big pause when you boot into safe mode? If so then see what it says on the screen as the comment/command just before it pauses.


    These are just a few things to think about - I'm assuming you have the latest drivers for all your hardware, & updates/patches for windows & all your progs, yes?

  7. Quote:
    8 - 700Mhz PIII Xeon Proc's
    32 Gig RAM
    200 Gig Fiber Channel SAN
    :-P~~~~~~~ <- Alien drooling

    Just imagine if they were P4 Xeons [if there is such a beastie]....

    's a shame there's no AMD-based boards that use more than 2 CPUs. [@ least none I've heard of]

  8. I only just got the XP version of InCD [the 1 that comes with Nero] the other day so haven't really gotten chance to use it much, but it hasn't really misbehaved yet. The only thing I would grumble about it is that when I put a formatted CDRW in it automatically opened a window showing the CD's contents, without me telling it to.


    It also popped up the same window [showing the CDRW's contents] after I had ejected the CDRW & put in an install CD for Ulead Video Studio. I know I could have just opened Explorer or My Computer & right-clicked the drive & selected Autoplay, but that's not the point - I wanted things to work they way they were supposed to, so to get XP to recognise that I had put a different CD in I had to reboot then try again.


    OK, so it's nothing major, but it was annoying.

  9. Quote:
    by insaNity
    or if you just want to backup your favourites or give them to a friend, they are just shortcuts stored in
    C:\Documents and Settings\<USERNAME>\Favorites
    by default
    Why would you want to faff around doing it that way? The way Clutch described can be used for backing up favorites, or for giving them to a friend - to import an exported list you simply use the same procedure, except you select Import rather than Export.

    Having said that though, if you are only backing up because you want to do a reinstall & you have more than 1 drive/partition then it is easier to just keep your favourites on a different drive/partition & then when you reinstall use a tweak prog like Xteq-Xsetup to look elsewhere for the favourites instead of the default location.

  10. I seem to remember a little while ago that that someone was asking for a patched/fixed version of uxtheme.dll so that they could continue to use other styles than MS's own after the expiry date of TGTSoft's prog StyleXP, & that someone else said that to use a copy of the patched DLL after the 30 day time limit has run out would not be legitimate & that it would be classed as w@rez.


    Just to put the record straight. TGTSoft [the makers of StyleXP] have a util to patch the DLL in question - the util is described as FREEWARE, so I guess that puts the matter to rest. smile


    Here's the link for the file, direct from TGTSoft's site:



  11. Well folks, I still don't know what is preventing me from getting driver updates via the Windows Update site, but I *have* found a workaround.


    I discovered it by accident whilst installing the driver that someone managed to get for me from the update catalog. I went into Device Manager & right-clicked my soundcard & hit the Update Driver option & went through the usual steps, telling it to include the folder where the driver was & when it listed the possibilities it found 1 of them was from Windows Update, so I decided to try that 1 just to see what happened & it actually worked.


    I wondered if this might be a fluke, or perhaps that it might have failed to get it from the update site & got it from the folder I had listed, so I tried the same thing on the update for my mouse which I didn't have the driver for & that worked ok as well, so it looks like a valid workaround.

  12. Hmm - I don't think I tried that, besides - isn't the 1 off their site an update? If so, do you have to go hunting about on the original CD for the install file [as opposed to using the autorunning installer] & install that with 2K compatibility mode as well?

  13. Quote:
    by Lactic Acid
    Just an aside, but it's usually preferable not to have the OS on your RAID array if you can afford it. It saves you from this type of hassle, plus, if one drive goes bad, not only do you lose your data, you lose any OS as well. But sometimes it's just cooler to have one striped array =)
    Couldn't that risk [of losing OS] be offset by using mirroring & striping instead of just striping? he said he had a few drives - if he has 4 he could set then up as M&S, [a.k.a. RAID modes 0+1].

  14. Quote:
    by Pikey
    Oh, and my cat keeps sleeping on my scanner……….

    Maybe he/she has been looking @ the following site:
    Http://www.cat-scan.com smile

    by OLEerror
    I'm not impressed with Norton Utilities under either Windows 2000 or XP. WinDoctor often misreports things. My advice is to only run WinDoctor when you are having a serious problem and it is the last resort. Speed Disk is still a great utility. In fact, it's the only part of NU that I use.

    I still use Speed Disk as well, but I miss the look & feel & features of the Win9x version of SD. Compared to that the 2K/XP version of SD looks like something that could have believeably been made for 95 & released just after 95 was 1st released! [on a magazine CD for free!] It's also slower than the 9x version.

  15. I got Nero with my CDRW & I like it, the 1 thing that bugs me though is that Ahead STILL haven't released a version of InCD for XP!!! If I try running the 1 they have @ the moment it causes all sorts of problems with XP, infact I think it actually managed to crash it so that I had to uninstall it from safe mode.


    Their webpage still says "InCD 2.0 for Windows 2000 available!".... Perhaps it ought to say "InCD is STILL not available for any NT-based versions of Windows more recent than Windows 2000!"

  16. I've had similar experiences to this - with me it's been when I want to delete a file & it's told me that the file is in use when I know it isn't. I found a work-around for it was to open the Run dialog box [Win+R], browse to the folder it's in, tell the dialog box to "show all files" then right-click & delete the file & it works, then just close the Run window.


    I don't know if this would be of any help with your problems, but thought I'd mention it incase it helps.

  17. With my connection speed having to re-download the hotfixes, etc doesn't really bother me too much. However - driver updates is a different matter altogether - the windows update wotsit lists 3 driver updates when I check it, 1 is for something I haven't got or ever had, another is for something that is working fine, but if I did want an update I could just get it from the manufacturer, but the other is for my sound card, the manufacturer [of the chipset] of which went bust some time ago [Aureal], but it seems MS have been kind enough to make an update for it themselves, but can I download it? no way - it just says that the update failed.


    I've tried searching for it, but no joy.


    It's listed as:

    Aureal Media Driver Version 5.1.2601.0


    anyone know of a solution to this?


    Thanks in advance for any help.



    ....... some time later...


    I found where to download it from as a file [Windows Update Catalog], but guess what? yup - you still have to download it from an ASP-based page [i really, REALLY hate ASP!] & it won't let me download it from there either! Grrrrrrr!!!

    If I try downloading an update for XP itself, such as a hotfix or whatever, it works fine - it just totally refuses to download ANY driver update. It goes to do it, shows 2 little blocks of colour in the progress indicator then all-of-a-sudden the progress indicator shows it's finished [1, 2, miss a few, 99, 100 - ring any bells?]. Then it does the same for the installation progress bar & then gives me an error message saying that the update has failed.


    Any ideas?
