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Posts posted by uboofer

  1. ;( Beware of the new game UT 2003.


    I just purchased the game this afternoon and when I opened it up I was quite suprised. First of all after paying the rather big price for it, I found out they did not even include a jewel case for the 3 CDs. Then after opening it I decided to install it. One of the first things it asks for is the CD key. In the same box that you enter the CD key it says to look at the jewel case for it. What jewel case? I just got 3 paper CD sleeves.


    I then went to Planetunreal for assistance. It said:

    "The CD-Key you are asked for when installing the game is available on the back cover of the manual you received in your game box, in the white portion on the lower part of the cover. It is four sets of five alphanumeric characters. When entering it, you may enter the letters in lower or uppercase, but be sure to include the hyphens between each set of five characters."


    OK. I looked at the manual and I could not find a CD key anywhere. So I read on and it then says:

    "If you do not have a CD-Key on the back of your manual, we will be happy to exchange your manual for one that does. The entire manual needs to be sent back to us for replacement; we regret that we cannot accept faxed or scanned copies. Please contact Consumer Services at the phone number at the top of this document, select Unreal Tournament 2003 from the menu, and follow the appropriate prompts to be put in contact with a member of our support team who can issue you an RMA number with which to exchange your manual."


    What kind of product are they selling? What iritates me is that they cannot even provide a $2 jewel case for their CDs and then they want you to send in the complete manual to get a CD key that they should have provided. All at your cost. I dont know how long it would take to get a replacement manual and CD key because I returned it for a new one but I would think that it could take several weeks. I think that it stupid to have to deal with a company with bad tech support and quality control like this.


  2. I dont think that AMD processors are unstable, I think that it is more of a issue with the chipset. With Intel you have drivers that are for the most part supported by M$ and with AMD you do not have the support. If you have a VIA chipset you have to install 4-1 drivers (unless you have XP).

  3. First. Set up your Outlook to check both e-mail servers. Most of the e-mail servers that I have been with will allow you to check e-mail from anywhere. You just have to set up both servers in your outlook as seperate accounts and it chould check it for you.



    I'm currently using BT as my ISP but thier threating to cut us off for using the net for more than 12 hours per day... im on a dial up (WinXP SP1 took 2 days to get). The point is I need to change ISPs quick as they will cut us off from the 28th this month...


    Are you an a agreement for unlimited access? If you are it is illegal for them to do that. AOL had a issue with that along with dropoffs and users that could not even get on and the people filed a class action lawsuit against them. AOL fought it and lost. Judgement was that if a person signed up for unlimited useage and did not get it the ISP was in violation of the contract terms. Because of this judgement AOL had to give users their money back or free hours in return.

  4. I would go with a switch instead of a hub. Large amounts of file transfers will really slow down the network. Make sure that you can run the games in a dedicated server mode.


    Beer and booze is great but felex forgot that no LAN is complete unless you have a DVD player, VCR and TV. You have to have all sorts of movies: action, comedy, "bonding" (dont ask if you dont know). winklaugh You have to have something to look at while the map is changing, your eyes have gone buggy after several hours of fragging, or during the eating period.

  5. In my opinion I would go with Windows 2000. The system requirements on Windows 2000 require a Pentium 133 with 64mb ram. XP is a 233 with 128Mb. I have found that windows 2000 runs just as fast if not faster than XP because the OS does not need as much resources memory wise.


    Another reason why I would go with Windows 2000 is because with XP you can only install it so many times before M$ has to have you call them up and tell them what you are doing before giving you a new activation key. Also you can only make so many hardware changes before it deactivates itself. I found out that changing the duplex on my NIC was one change to them even though I never changed the NIC.


    One thing that XP has on W2k is the bootup time. My PC with XP was 25 seconds, W2k was 35-40 seconds. BIG DEAL.

  6. In my opinion I would go with Windows 2000. The system requirements on Windows 2000 require a Pentium 133 with 64mb ram. XP is a 233 with 128Mb. I have found that windows 2000 runs just as fast if not faster than XP because the OS does not need as much resources memory wise.


    Another reason why I would go with Windows 2000 is because with XP you can only install it so many times before M$ has to have you call them up and tell them what you are doing before giving you a new activation key. Also you can only make so many hardware changes before it deactivates itself. I found out that changing the duplex on my NIC was one change to them even though I never changed the NIC. frown


    One thing that XP has on W2k is the bootup time. My PC with XP was 25 seconds, W2k was 35-40 seconds. BIG DEAL. laugh

  7. If your network is small your wins server does not have to be to powerful but in large networks with lots of netbios based computers (win9x and winnt) it could really get hit hard with registration requests and network inquireries.


    The thing with WINS is that it is a dynamic service so it will make changes to the database very often. Up until Windows 2000 came out DNS was static and did not change a great deal. Now with W2k DNS can be set to be dynamic also and it can take a hit also but I think that it is a little more effecient than WINS.

  8. I installed SP3 this mornig and on the reboot it gave me a weird error message stating that it could not find a certain file.


    this is the event log:


    Detection of product '{1189284F-0556-47E5-8DCD-F8BF3176F4EA}', feature 'Core_Files' failed during request for component '{997FA962-E067-11D1-9396-00A0C90F27F9}'


    I rebooted a second time and the message did not show up again. Dont know what the file it could not find. Since installing my computer seems to be just as stable as before.


    As for the previous post asking if this is the final release, I looked at CNET and they stated that todays release was for perferred customers. General release is on Thursday.

  9. Is there a IRQ conflict? Sometimes when you do to many things at one time the computer will just lock up. I have found that network cards, sound cards and video cards shareing the same IRQ will cause lockups. Your video card should always be on its own IRQ

  10. in order to get the ICS to work you must share the NIC on the internet side. also make sure that NIC is DHCP because with ICS it will make the NIC have a a IP of Also make sure that the rest of the PCs are set for DHCP. The server must not have a DHCP scope set because with ICS to will set up its own scope and start up the service by itself. I would check the PCs to see if they are getting a IP.


    As for the hub/switch problem cat5 has a max distance of 100 meters. Make sure that you do not extend to far or you problems will increase.

  11. I agree with Clutch.


    NT and the win9x OS's are netbios based. WINS even though not necessarily needed is important part for these OS's to communicate with each other. NT and WIN9x can use DNS for communication but depending on what DHCP tells the computer for node type, it will wait for a response from other services or host files before getting to DNS.


    The bad part about WINS is that it is a resource hog compared to other services. Thank MS for going away from it for WIN2k and future OS's.

  12. I would go with the Dell. They use for the most part standardized equipment in them and Windows detects almost all of the components. My Father has a Toshiba and after playing with it I still perfered my Dell more. ONe thing that I cannot explain about his Toshiba is that it seems to not hold a charge for a long time. He will put it away for a week and his batteries will drain sometimes to as much as 20% battery life. I think that he may have a bad battery but not quite sure. My Dell is very good on batteries. I get a good hour and a half of battery life before I start to look at what is left on them.


    Another thing I like about Dell is that you can get it customized easier than any other laptop. I chose what I wanted and didnt get any BS software that the rest of the laptop companies throw in. My Dell was pretty straight and forward, the stuff you want and no fat included.

  13. Most of the laptops I have seen have 2 slots for ram but you may want to consult your docs to verify this. My Dell Laptop has 2 slots and I am considering upgrading my memory also.
